Business services at the Institute of Food and Beverage Innovation
We provide a broad range of services to meet our clients’ needs, in particular, we respond to your enquiries about self-regulation, complete HACCP analyses, develop training concepts, lead training courses, carry out consumer tests and product testing and assist in developing entirely new products. In so doing, we utilise the most modern infrastructure and are ISO 17025 accredited ‘General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories’ (STS 240).
Food Perception Research Group
The ZHAW School of Life Sciences and Facility Management maintains trained panels of experts for the objective tasting of food.
ZHAW Panel of Experts: This is for you if you would like to turn your perceived sensory impressions into words.
ZHAW Panel of Consumers: To strengthen our studies, we are always looking for motivated consumers who are willing to offer their opinions on the development of products, and come to Wädenswil for a tasting in our sensory test laboratory.
Swiss Olive Oil Panel (SOP): This unique testing group in Switzerland provides a sensory evaluation of your olive oil.
- ZHAW Panels of Experts and Consumers (German)
- Swiss Olive Oil Panel (SOP)
QM Division and Food Law
- Food law assessments (German)
- In-house training
Once a month in our free newsletter, the division publishes daily technical news on its main topics including quality management, food law and food safety.
Find out more about our specific research projects and specialist departments on the following websites:
We look forward to receiving your request for collaboration.
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Namhafte Expertinnen und Experten stellen Trends und Zukunftstechnologien vor.
Archiv News
Alle fachlichen News zu unseren Schwerpunkten Qualitätsmanagement, Lebensmittelrecht und -sicherheit.
For food professionals
Archiv News
Brochure with all the continuing education courses at the Institute of Food and Beverage Innovation.
Namhafte Expertinnen und Experten stellen Trends und Zukunftstechnologien vor.
Alle fachlichen News zu unseren Schwerpunkten Qualitätsmanagement, Lebensmittelrecht und -sicherheit.