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School of Life Sciences
and Facility Management

Are you interested in a Bachelor or Master study?

B.Sc. Natural Resource Sciences (Specialisation «Environmental Systems and Sustainable Development»)

The Agricultural and Resource Economics Research Group engages in sich in the Specialisation «Environmental Systems and Sustainable Development» of the Bachelor studies Natural Resource Sciences.

Module Nature and Society 2

Megatrends are transforming the face of our world. Slowly, but considerably and long-lasting. Globalisation, urbanisation and digitisation show changes, that are currently taking place and will shape our life and economy.

Further information: Module Nature and Society 2, Block neo-ecology and dealing with complexity (in German only)

Semester and Bachelor theses

During the program, 2 term papers and the bachelor thesis are carried out. The Research Group Agricultural and Resource Economics provides up to 10 topics for selection each year. These topics often refer to the current research projects carried out by the research group. Examples for topics:

Master of Science (MSc) in Environment and Natural Resources

The Agricultural and Resource Economics Research Group engages in the Master of Science (MSc) in Environment and Natural Ressources in the the Agroecology and Food Systems specialisation.

Module Environmental Economics


Project Work in Research Group (PWRU) and Master's Theses

When registering for the program, students must choose one of three MRUs (Master Research Unit) and a research group. Approximately half of the MSc program takes the form of project work (Project Work in Research Group PWRG1 and PWRG2) and a master's thesis. Research group staff guide students through this process.

PWRGs and master theses within the Research Group Agricultural and Resource Economics usually relate to the current research projects being conducted by the Research Group. However, students also have the opportunity to suggest their own topics.

The following list of topics for PWRGs and master theses gives a first impression of the research topics in our research group: