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School of Life Sciences
and Facility Management

Master Thesis

Pharmaceutical Biotechnology

The Master’s thesis is the scientific core of your studies: you choose your specialist courses with a view to the topic of your thesis, which you determine before starting your studies. Based on the theoretical foundations of the study programme, you answer a specific question in this research field. You work out solutions that are relevant for research, industry and society, often in co-operation with national and international partners. Depending on your topic, you work in a research group at the Institute of Biotechnology in Wädenswil or externally with an industrial or research partner. Through the thesis you not only demonstrate your knowledge and skills, but also the ability to successfully integrate into a research group and expand your knowledge in your specific field of scientific expertise.

Working procedure

For the Master’s thesis you focus on a particular area of pharmaceutical biotechnology as part of a research group (see next section). You plan and work mainly independently, in consultation with your supervisor and any external research and industry partners. In this way you not only deepen your scientific and technical competence, but also gain useful experience of project management. Pursuing a long-term research project successfully tests and trains your flexibility, for example, when scientific hypotheses need to be reexamined or experimental designs have to be adjusted. A timeframe of eight months is envisaged for the thesis, which you can fit into your studies according to your individual situation.

Topics for the Master’s thesis

You select the topic for your Master’s thesis in one of the following research groups:

Bioprocess Technology


Pharmaceutical Technology

Food Microbiology

Molecular Biology and Biochemistry

Environmental Genomics and Systems Biology

Cell Culture Technology

Biochemical Engineering

Biosystems Technology

Biobased Resources

Measurement and Sensor Technology


Environmental Biotechnology

Cell biology

The research of the group cell physiology and cell engineering covers a broad spectrum of the field of cell biology with a focus on stem cell research, cell-based test systems/reporter systems, genetic engineering of cells and immunology (generation of new antibodies).

Contact: Prof. Dr. Jack Rohrer


Coffee Excellence Center
