Pharma Innovation
We research and develop innovative therapies based on small molecules, recombinant proteins and cells. This encompasses the entire workflow, from target proteins of therapeutic interest, through to drug discovery and pharmacology, and formulation. In addition, we also develop new ways of producing tissue models for testing, diagnostics and therapies.
Competence Center and sections
Competence Center Drug Discovery

The Competence Center Drug Discovery (CC Drug Discovery) is dedicated to the discovery and development of new drugs for innovative therapies against serious diseases.
Section for Organic and Medicinal Chemistry

The research activities of the section for Organic and Medicinal Chemistry are focused on the organic synthesis and analyses of functional molecules at the interface between chemistry and biology with an emphasis on the development of clinical drug candidates for therapeutically relevant indications.
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Section Pharmaceutical Technology and Pharmacology

Within the research focus "Pharma Innovation" the "Pharmaceutical Technology and Pharmacology" group develops novel drug delivery systems to improve the application, pharmacokinetics and efficacy of active pharmaceutical ingredients. In particular, the Pharma team is interested in establishing therapeutic approaches enabling the targeted delivery of drugs to their site of action.
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Section for Phytopharmacy and Natural Products

Medicinal plants are an important resource for traditional and modern medicines. Using modern and innovative methods we investigate herbal substances from raw material or multicomponent extracts to fractions or isolated compounds.
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Section of Metabolic Tissue Engineering

The focus of our research is the construction of three-dimensional tissue cultures using human primary cells. We have been applying the methods of tissue engineering for over 10 years to various tissue types such as bone, cartilage and intervertebral discs, connective tissue and skin, the liver and the pancreas. These in vitro tissues and the use of various technologies provide the basis for many diverse objectives and applications.
Section of 3D Tissues and Biofabrication

The goal of our research activities is to culture human cells under physiological conditions. To do so, we employ different three-dimensional (3D) cell culture systems. Depending on the application the cells are cultured in scaffold-free or in scaffold-based systems. We have expertise in bioprinting for many years and use the promising technology successfully in industry-driven projects.
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Section of Cell Physiology and Cellular Engineering

The research of the group of Cell Physiology and Cellular Engineering covers a broad spectrum of cell biology with a focus on human stem cell research, cell-based assays/reporter systems, cellular engineering and immunology (generation of novel antibodies). We support the exchange of knowledge and technology transfer from academic research to applied biotechnology and work closely with various partners in the industry and at universities.
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Competence Centre TEDD

Education, R&D and networking platform promoting the application of 3D organotypic technologies for therapies development, with the core goal of replacing animal experimentation according to 3Rs (Replacement, Reduction and Refinement) in the long term.
Section for Molecular Biology and Biochemistry

Our group conducts application-oriented research in the fields of molecular biology and biochemistry. We have many years of expertise in the fields of antibiotic resistance and antimicrobial agents, characterization of microorganisms, cancer research and protein engineering.
We offer lectures and practical courses in the fields of biology, microbiology, molecular biology and biochemistry in the BSc Biotechnology and Chemistry programs and the MSc Pharmaceutical Biotechnology program.
We also supervise students in their Minor, BSc and MSc theses.
Read more about the section for Molecular Biology and Biochemistry