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School of Life Sciences
and Facility Management

Master Thesis

Chemistry for the Life Sciences

The Master’s thesis is at the heart of your studies. You select modules from Entrepreneurial Skills and Advanced Life Science Skills at an early stage to prepare you for work on your thesis. From the start you are part of a research group at the Institute for Chemistry and Biological Chemistry in Wädenswil or in an external company, organisation or research institute. On the basis of your research you answer specific questions and work out solutions which are relevant for research, business and /or society, often in cooperation with national or international partners. The thesis gives you the opportunity to demonstrate that you can apply the knowledge and competencies you have acquired.

Topics for the Master's thesis

You choose the topic of your Master’s thesis in one of the seven centres shown below. You deepen your experimental abilities in your selected area of research and gain detailed insight into the methodologies needed to carry out demanding research projects.

Centre for Organic and Medicinal Chemistry

Contact: Prof. Dr. Rainer Riedl

Centre for Physical Chemistry

Contact: Prof. Dr. Jürgen Stohner

Centre for Biochemistry and Bioanalytics


Contact: Dr Kerstin Gari, Biochemistry Research Group

Contact: Prof. Dr. Sabina Gerber, Bioanalytic Research Group

Contact: Dr. Kerstin Gari, Biochemistry Research Group



Centre for Biocatalysis and Process Technology

Contact: Prof. Dr. Rebecca Buller

Contact: Dr. Thomas Schwander

Contact: PD Dr. Christian Frech


Centre for Chemical Engineering

Contact: Dr. Peter Riedlberger

Centre for Tissue Engineering

Contact: Prof. Dr. Michael Raghunath

Centre for Microbiology and Biofilms

Contact: Prof. Dr. Walter Krebs

Centre for Chemical and Biochemical Engineering

Centre for Polymerchemie

Contact: PD Dr. Dominik Brühwiler

Centre for Biobased raw materials

Contact: Dr. Thomas Pielhop


Centre for Metrohm Endowed Professorship for New Materials

Contact: Prof. Dr. Bastian Brand