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School of Life Sciences
and Facility Management

The Master programmes at the ZHAW Life Sciences and Facility Management

Study at the cutting edge of science, with a strong awareness of society's most pressing concerns. With your Master's thesis, you will contribute to addressing the challenges of our time and become a sought-after professional, entrusted with managerial responsibilities.

The master's programme is an academic "Master of Science" degree, which prepares you for demanding specialist or managerial roles. You can specialise in a subject area, work on research projects, further your knowledge of scientific methods and improve your scientific skills. From the very beginning, you will be part of the creative research community in one of our institutes. In your Master's thesis, you will further develop your expertise in your specialist field, combining a scientific approach with entrepreneurial thinking.

Before starting your studies, together with your supervisor you will develop a custom study plan, as well as discuss and determine your learning goals and the topic of your Master's thesis. During your studies, you will not only learn about the latest methods that are in demand in your industry, but also about project management, communication and presentation skills. The full-time study programme lasts three semesters. Part-time study is possible.

The Master's degree programmes

Circular Economy Management

Life Sciences - Specialisation Applied Computational Life Sciences

Life Sciences - Specialisation Chemistry for the Life Sciences

Life Sciences - Specialisation Food and Beverage Innovation

Life Sciences - Specialisation Pharmaceutical Biotechnology

Preneurship for Regenerative Food Systems

Real Estate & Facility Management

The "Master of Science in Real Estate & Facility Management" (RICS accredited) is a unique offering for students in Switzerland. This degree will qualify you for managerial positions in strategic areas of responsibility in real estate and facility management. You will work in the real estate industry or support the core processes of a company, contributing to the sustainable achievement of organisational goals.

Environment and Natural Resources

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