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School of Life Sciences
and Facility Management

Study and continuing education in organic farming and horticulture

The Horticulture Research Group is involved in teaching at both degree and continuing education levels. As part of the Environmental Engineering (UI) Bachelor’s programme, the Research Group is responsible for the Organic Agriculture and Horticulture (BLH) specialisation. In the Master of Science in Environment and Natural Resources, students are fully integrated into the Research Group and have the opportunity to participate in innovative research projects.

Bachelor's programme

In the Organic Agriculture and Horticulture (BLH) specialisation, students are able to adapt their learning paths according to their needs. More on learning goals, area of expertise, study guidance, etc. (in German)


Among others, the Horticulture Research Group is responsible for delivering the following modules:

Basics of Organic Agriculture and Horticulture 1 to 3

What does organic mean? In these three modules, in collaboration with Agroscope (Reckenholz, ZH) and FiBL (Frick, AG), we lay the foundation for what organic agriculture and horticulture really are: understanding soil, plant, and animal systems. More information about the modules (in German): GL1, GL2, GL3

Agricultural Marketing

Successful agricultural production should be consistently aligned with the market and its customers. How agricultural markets work and marketing strategies are both explored in this module. Practical training in sensory analysis and beverage production also provide an insight into the food industry. More information about the Agricultural Marketing module (in German).

Organic Horticulture 1 and 2

Organic products have to be fresh and healthy, rich in valuable ingredients and free of foreign substances. We plan resource-efficient farming systems for fruit, vegetables, vines and ornamental plants. More information about the modules (in German): BiHo1, BiHo2

Bachelor's theses

The following Bachelor’s theses have been completed under the guidance of the Horticultural Research Group:

Master's programme

In the future, agriculture should be environmentally friendly and resource efficient. However, only by cleverly utilising the existing synergies found in the natural environment and preserving existing means of production will it be possible to further develop farming systems for food production in this direction. The Horticulture Research Group investigates and develops possible solutions in the fields of soil fertility, peat-free substrates, resource-conserving farming systems and ways of monitoring specific harmful organisms.

Master's theses

In the Master of Science in Environment and Natural Resources, students are fully integrated into the Research Group for their Master's Studio (project work 1 and 2 as well as their Master's theses).

The following Master's theses or subject areas are available at the Horticultural Research Group:

The following Master theses have been completed under the guidance of the Horticultural Research Group:

Continuing education

→ The language of instruction is German.

Wädenswiler Weintage

Die Fachtagung gliedert sich in einen Rebbautag und einen Weinbereitungstag. Die Weintage sind eine zentrale Fortbildung für Winzerinnen und Weintechnologen der Deutschschweiz. Passend auch für Beratungs- und Lehrpersonen, kantonale Fachstellenleiter, Wissenschaftlerinnen, Branchenvertreter und Interessierte.

Details und Anmeldung



Die Weinbaukurse richten sich an Nebenerwerbs- und Hobbywinzer/innen, Hilfskräfte und Einsteiger, aber auch an Weinliebhaberinnen und -liebhaber, die mehr über den Weinbau erfahren möchten.
Der Kurs wird in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Weinbauzentrum Wädenswil angeboten.

Informationen und Anmeldung:


CAS «Food Quality Insight»

Die Module «Food-Rohstoffe und -Verarbeitung 1 und 2» wenden sich an Akteure, welche in der Verarbeitung und dem Handel von Nahrungsmitteln tätig sind. Wir zeigen die Herkunft und Vielfalt verschiedener Rohstoffe und den Einfluss von Anbau, Transport, Lagerung und Verarbeitung auf die Qualität. Der CAS wird in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Institut für Lebensmittel- und Getränkeinnovation ILGI durchgeführt.

Details und Anmeldung