Interdisciplinary collaboration
In agile teams, socially and economically relevant issues are tackled across institutional and organisational boundaries. Strategic priorities are: Environment, Food, Health and Society.
Strategic programs
With the Health Research Hub, the strategic topic area Health@LSFM wants to make research in the field of health visible. It is based on three pillars: networked research, communication and strategic positioning. The central instrument is the creation of an incubator for innovative interdisciplinary projects, which identifies and promotes synergetic potential between researchers. Health-related activities and projects are actively supported, placed in a holistic context and effectively communicated (in the media). For positioning purposes, the platform promotes the topic of health research within the department and in the external view to industrial partners, national initiatives and the funding instruments.
⇒ to webseite «Health Research Hub»
⇒ Contact:
The production and consumption of food is facing major challenges worldwide. Anyone who wants to push ahead with a system adjustment in the agro-food sector and face up to this transformation process needs the appropriate competencies. By means of new research-based educational opportunities, we want to empower young people to innovate in systems and thereby bring about lasting changes in the business models of the agro-food network. In three projects investigating the cocoa value-added network, criteria of sustainability, food safety and quality, business models as well as possibilities of digitalisation using block-chain-based traceability systems are analysed in an exemplary manner in order to gain insights for other product groups. The overall goal is to increase the resilience of systems in the agro-food sector.
In the strategic subject area Environment@LSFM we want to develop and implement application-oriented research projects in the field of sustainability. The first focal point Sustainable Campus Living Lab (CAMPUS)@LSFM implements the topic in and around the building.
⇒ to website «Sustainable Campus Living Lab (CAMPUS)@LSFM»
⇒ Contact:
The second focus is devoted to the social challenge of replacing plastic. With the help of the networking of internal competences, the topic of bioplastics at the department LSFM is to be promoted as an interdisciplinary, content-related focal point.
Digitisation has moved into focus - not only at universities, but also in society and politics. As a university, we have a social responsibility and want to help shape and reflect on changes.
The goal of the strategic topic area DigitalTransformation@LSFM is to enable students and participants in continuing education to deal with the digital challenges of a social and professional nature, to actively shape and critically reflect on digital change.
In qualitative interviews and workshops with representatives from business, alumni ZHAW LSFM, students, lecturers and thought leaders, the future skills that graduates will need in the future were discussed. Seven skills have been identified as necessary for the job market: Digital literacy, collaboration, navigating complexity, creativity, critical questioning, self-directed learning and self leadership.
These new competencies and skills are acquired by students through exploratory learning facilitated by (1) people who share this culture and attitude, (2) processes, and (3) a campus and infrastructure that support exploratory and digital learning and teaching formats and content.
The employees from teaching, research and administration will be actively involved, networked and supported as important sponsors of the initiative.
⇒ to website «Digital Transformation@LSFM»
⇒ Contact:
Further interdisciplinary fields of research
TEDD - Tissue Engineering for Drug Development
As an information and matchmaking platform, TEDD provides knowledge and technologies to promote the development and application of 3D cell culture.
Competence Center for Biocatalysis
The competence center promotes biocatalysis as a complementary method to classical organic synthesis and aims to contribute to closing the gap between academic laboratories and the production plant.
Competence Center for Drug Discovery
The Competence Center for Drug Discovery (CC Drug Discovery) is dedicated to the discovery and development of new drugs for innovative therapies against serious diseases.
Center of Excellence in Phage Technology
A collaborative network of biotechnologists, microbiologists, and biochemists promoting the utilization of bacteriophages and phage-derived proteins for the detection and biological control of pathogenic bacteria in a One Health approach.
Negawatt instead of Megawatt
How to address small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) What does it take in terms of advice to make them implement energy efficiency measures in their companies?
⇒ to webseite «Negawatt statt Megawatt» (German)
Food for the future
Simple but scientifically proven tools such as the Menu Sustainability Index (MNI) are needed to intensify and continue efforts for sustainable nutrition in out-of-home catering.
⇒ to webseite «Essen für die Zukunft» (German)
CCMA - Combining Competencies in MicroAlgae
The ZHAW inter-institute network for the production, analysis and processing of the microalgae biomasses under investigation.
⇒ to webseite «Combining Competencies in MicroAlgae» (German)
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ZHAW research profile
The research profile of the ZHAW is characterised by two strategic focal points: Energy and Societal integration.
ZHAW Inter-School cooperation
Datalab at the interface of applied research and innovation. Digital Health Lab for precise, personalized and preventive health care.
TRANSFER newsletter
The latest developments, research results and service projects from the fields of life sciences and facility management.
ZHAW research profile
ZHAW Inter-School cooperation
TRANSFER newsletter
The research profile of the ZHAW is characterised by two strategic focal points: Energy and Societal integration.
Datalab at the interface of applied research and innovation. Digital Health Lab for precise, personalized and preventive health care.
The latest developments, research results and service projects from the fields of life sciences and facility management.