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School of Life Sciences
and Facility Management

Department Transversalis

Current social issues? We ask questions.

The Transversalis (ATV) department launches and works on topics that often affect the entire LSFM department:

"On the one hand, education is preparation for the world of work. But we also understand education as personality development with transformative potential. Creating spaces for reflection is important in order to be able to critically observe and control one's own actions and their consequences."
Karin Altermatt, Head of the Transversalis Department

Organigramme(PDF 144,7 KB) I Education I Departments I STEM Promotion



We make substantial contributions in the areas of languages, communication, culture, ethics, society, biology and individual STEM fields for all Bachelor's degree programmes at the Dep. LSFM. We promote analytical, scientific and critical thinking, collaboration and creativity. We teach students learning strategies and contribute to introducing them to the university environment.

Offers for teachers

Offers for students

Offers for employees

Departments, subject areas

STEM promotion and biology

Teaches basic biological knowledge in several study programmes in a variety of ways. Engages in STEM promotion in various formats such as: Vocational Training, explorLABOR, Science Week, Programming and Robotics.

to the website of the department


English and Language Services

High quality English teaching to enable Bachelor’s students to communicate successfully.

to the website of the department

Social context and communication

Critical thinking, communication, ethics, social context

to the website of the department


STEM Promotion

Vocational training

At the Department of Life Sciences and Facility Management of the Zurich University of Applied Sciences, we offer two apprenticeships each year, one in the field of Biology and one in the field of Chemistry.

Contact: Franziska Wiget
Website: Berufsbildung