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School of Life Sciences
and Facility Management

Two international Postdocs at the IUNR

In 2019/20 two Postdocs have joined the Vegetation Ecology Research Group, Dr. Iwona Dembicz from Poland and Dr. Jinghui Zhang from China.

PhD students and Postdocs are generally rather rare at the IUNR compared to full universities where these two groups account for a big fraction of the staff. In the academic year 2019/20 two Postdocs have joined the Vegetation Ecology Research Group, Dr. Iwona Dembicz from Poland for 9 1/2 months and Dr. Jinghui Zhang from China for a whole year. We have interviewed them to shed a light on why they specifically selected the IUNR for their research stay and how they experienced the institute, the region and Switzerland in general.

The interview was published in the IUNR Magazin 2020/2.
Long version of the interview (PDF 572,3 KB)