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Coffee Capsules: Science, Technology, and Innovation

In this course, you‘ll learn how beans are transformed and packaged into capsules, exploring the processes and engineering behind capsule technology. Discover the unique production methods, packaging innovations, and the science behind capsule extraction. Finally, examine emerging trends and innovations in single-serve coffee products.


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Certificate of Attendance


15.08.2024, 12.09.2024, 24.10.2024, 16.01.2025


15 hours in 4 weeks (online), more details about the implementation


CHF 600.00

Comment on costs: 

Registration includes link/password to the online learning platform (Moodle), access to a virtual forum to ask coffee scientists questions and get in touch with other course participants, downloadable material, course confirmation, access to alumni events of the ZHAW Coffee Excellence Center 



Language of instruction:


This continuing education course (WBK) is an excerpt of the graduate certificate programme CAS in Coffee Excellence but can also be attended independently of the CAS. A discount is offered if participants decide to continue with the full programme. 

A continuing education course in coffee (WBK) is a deep dive into a specific coffee topic. With these courses you gain scientific knowledge and insights into latest research results. 

Objectives and content

Target audience

This course is designed for:

  • Coffee Professionals: Including coffee roasters, baristas, coffee shop owners, and industry professionals who seek to enhance their technical knowledge and expertise in the area of coffee capsules.
  • Product Developers and Technologists: Individuals working in the coffee industry focused on product development, technology integration, and innovation in single-serve coffee solutions.
  • Quality Assurance and Control Professionals: Experts tasked with maintaining and improving the quality and consistency of coffee products, specifically in relation to coffee capsules.
  • Educator and Trainers: Professionals who teach or train others about coffee, coffee brewing techniques, and coffee products, and wish to expand their curriculum to include capsule technology.
  • Coffee Enthusiasts: Passionate hobbyists who are eager to deepen their understanding of the technology, research, and trends associated with coffee capsules.


After this course, you will be able to...

  • Explain the history behind the coffee capsules, from their inception to modern-day innovations.
  • Differentiate between “capsules” and “pods”, including their design, usage, and market positioning.
  • Analyse and compare the benefits and drawbacks of coffee capsules, considering factors such as convenience, quality, environmental impact, and cost.
  • Describe the capsule production process and the steps involved in the process.
  • Adjust parameters for optimal production: recognize the complexity and importance of adjusting various parameters at each step of capsule production to ensure a high-quality product.
  • Understand how process parameters in capsule production impact extraction and the extracted brew.
  • Understand the importance of capsule packaging material and secondary packaging and how they impact the freshness, sustainability, and functionality of the product.
  • Understand the value of quality control equipment, such as ground coffee particle size analysis, the importance of data collected by such measurements and how they can be used to optimise the product.
  • Be on track with the latest trends in the single serve coffee products alternative to capsules/pods.


Lesson 1: Introduction to capsule coffee and its history

Discover how capsule systems became the peak of convenience through years of technological development and progress, prioritizing ease of use and, in the best-case scenario, a highly consistent quality. We will look at some of the technologies behind the capsule systems and how it has changed coffee consumption – particularly at home.

Lesson 2: Capsule Systems and Production  

Explore the defining physical and sensorial characteristics of coffee capsules and what gives them their unique taste. We will look at how the capsule production differs from other coffee systems and explore in details the steps of the capsule production process.

Lesson 3: Capsules, packaging and materials

This lesson with focus on the properties of the capsule itself. Apart from the coffee inside of capsule, the second most important is the packaging material of the capsule. The materials vary greatly in their properties and in the sustainability aspect. There are however, more interesting properties of the capsule to take consideration of, such as the internal pressure in a capsule.

Lesson 4: Capsule extraction and research  

In this lesson, we will explore two case studies: the first on Nespresso-compatible capsule extraction, and the second on K-Cup capsule extraction. The studies provide a variety of insights into capsule extraction and coffee extraction fundamentals. We delve into how single-serve products, such as capsules, are much more complex to develop technologically compared to other coffee products, as the parameters influencing extraction and cup quality must be determined in advance at the time of production and not at the moment of extraction, as seen in other brewing systems.

Lesson 5: Innovation and other single-serve products

Single-serve coffee is today more than just capsules and pods. With the growing at-home coffee trend, there are increasingly innovative single-serve coffee products found on the market. This lesson will look at some of the most popular and most innovative of these products.

Conclusion and Quiz


This course is delivered in a self-study format which includes: 

  • Reading slides, including tutorial and learning videos 
  • 1 h webinar with the expert and course instructor Dr. Samo Smrke
  • Sources and links for further reading material 
  • Mini-Essay and reflective questions, hands-on assignments and session quiz to learn and test your knowledge 
  • Personalized feedback and support
  • Online Learning Platform (Moodle) to interact with other participants 
  • Interactive discussion forum for questions that will be answered by the expert


Session Quiz (Online, Multiple Choice) 

More details about the implementation

Course dates and registration deadlines 2024/25

  • 15 August – 12 September 2024* / Registration deadline: 8 August 2024 
  • 12 September – 10 October 2024* / Registration deadline: 3 October
  • 24 October – 21 November 2024* / Registration deadline: 17 October 2024 
  • 16 January – 13 February 2025* / Registration deadline: 9 January 2025 

*The date for the webinar will be announced shortly.

Equipment required

  • Nespresso-compatible capsule machine (or other capsule/pod machine)
  • Scale with resolution of 0.1 g
  • Stopwatch
  • Optional equipment: Coffee TDS refractometer, water conductivity meter (also often called water TDS meter)

Enquiries and contact


Institute of Chemistry and Biotechnology



Start Application deadline Registration link
15.08.2024 08.08.2024 Apply here
12.09.2024 05.10.2024 Apply here
24.10.2024 01.01.1970 Apply here
16.01.2025 09.01.2025 Apply here