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School of Life Sciences
and Facility Management

Section of 3D Tissues and Biofabrication

«I am fascinated by the development of novel tissue models for clinical and industrial applications.»

Dr. Markus Rimann, Head of Section

The goal of our research activities is to culture human cells under physiological conditions. To do so, we employ different three-dimensional (3D) cell culture systems. Depending on the application the cells are cultured in scaffold-free or in scaffold-based systems. We have expertise in bioprinting for many years and use the promising technology successfully in industry-driven projects. Bioprinting allows producing living tissues in a layer-by-layer mode by depositing cells, (extracellular) matrix and bioactive molecules precisely in 3D space. The 3D tissues are developed for drug and substance testing, as well as for personalized medicine.


Our developments are used in areas such as

Our research laboratories provide a modern infrastructure and methodological expertise.

We offer our project partners a wide range of cooperation opportunities. Customized solutions are provided in the frame of Bachelor’s and Master’s theses and directly or third party funded projects (Innosuisse, SNF, Foundations, EU projects).
