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School of Life Sciences
and Facility Management

Exploring the biocatalytic potential of Fe/α-ketoglutaratedependent halogenases

a review by Mortiz Voss, Sumire Honda Malca and Rebecca Buller accepted for publication at "Chemistry - A European Journal".

Exploring the biocatalytic potential of Fe/α-ketoglutaratedependent halogenases

Moritz Voss, Sumire Honda Malca and Rebecca Buller

Fe/α-ketoglutarate-dependent halogenases are oxidoreductases that incorporate halogen atoms into unactivated C-H bonds with high stereo- and regioselectivity. To date, a small number of indole alkaloid and amino acid halogenases have been identified and characterized. First enzyme engineering examples indicate that the substrate scope can be expanded using rational enzyme design and directed evolution. Structural investigations and biochemical characterizations are providing initial information about the mechanism of the halogenation reaction.
