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School of Life Sciences
and Facility Management

New Board Member Prof. Giuseppe Perale

We are proudly announcing new member TEDD Steering Committee Prof. Giuseppe Perale from IBI-S.A.

Prof. Perale will be active in the Steering Committee. He first joined TEDD in 2015 with SUSPI and than with his company IBI-SA. 

Short biography

Giuseppe Perale was born in Venice (Italy) in 1978, he attained both his Master’s Degree and his PhD in Biomedical Engineering, in 2002 and 2006 respectively, at the Politecnico di Milano. Visiting Post Doc at the Imperial College London in 2007, visiting Researcher at the Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm in 2011 and at the IRF “Mario Negri” in 2012, he was Acting Professor of “Formulations Science” at the Politecnico di Milano until Spring 2013. Currently he is Full Professor of Industrial Bioengineering at the SUPSI Swiss University.

His studies are mainly focused on process engineering and physical chemistry applied to biomaterials for medical applications, particularly for tissue engineering and drug delivery systems. He’s author in over 100 international publications and 3 patent families.