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School of Life Sciences
and Facility Management

ICLS statistical consulting

The statistical consulting service at the ZHAW was initially created with university employees and students in mind. However, we are also happy to provide our services to businesses and other organisations. We look forward to your inquiry.

For employees and students of the ZHAW

Proper statistical analysis of data often provides the backbone for scientific work.

The ZHAW’s wealth of expertise in this field is available to researchers from all of the University’s Schools and helps to increase the quality of R&D activities throughout the university.

Involving statistical experts early in the process can save costs and increase the quality of results.

Our areas of expertise

We can advise you on the following aspects of statistics:  

Our services are designed to help our clients help themselves. The actual analytical work is performed by the client, who is also responsible for all data, analysis and results.

This restriction does not apply to R&D projects in which statistical consultants are involved as partners or collaborators


We look forward to your inquiry via email to or to our main contact person (details provided below). Please provide a brief explanation of the topic of your research and your research question(s). We will contact you back within one week.


or to our main contact person (details provided below). Please provide a brief explanation of the topic of your research and your research question(s). We will contact you back within one week.

More providers of statistical consulting services at the ZHAW

Since our services are also available to external companies and organisations, we would be pleased to advise you on experimental design and planning and address your questions in the fields of statistics, data analysis, simulation and optimisation.

We look forward to your inquiry.