Projects and Publications School of Life Sciences and Facility Management
Always up-to-date with market and client needs.
The specialist knowledge offered by our institutes provides a solid basis for problem-solving with partners and clients. We adopt a highly practical and tailored approach to implementing research proposals, whether in the form of individual undergraduate dissertations investigating specific topics or interdisciplinary projects lasting many years and dealing with complex issues.
Unfortunately, no list of projects can be displayed here at the moment. Until the list is available again, the project search on the ZHAW homepage can be used.
Publications are another key aspect of knowledge transfer between research and industry, and relevant outcomes are published in suitable outlets with the agreement of our partners.
Gabay, Martina,
Förderung von Mehlschwalben mit Schwalbenhäusern, eine Alternative zu Einzelnisthilfen?.
ZHAW Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften.
Available from:
Gartentherapie : Gärten und Gärtnern als "Heilmittel"
«Esset Bibernell, dann sterbt ihr nid so schnell.» : Garten und Gesundheit.
vdf Hochschulverlag.
pp. 58-65.
Topiaria Helvetica ; 2022.