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School of Life Sciences
and Facility Management


Society needs actors who act competently and responsibly, generate and exchange knowledge in networks - and recognize cultural diversity as added value.

Internationality is a distinguishing and quality feature of the ZHAW. Together, we create the conditions to exploit the creative potential in the internationalization of the range of courses offered. The ZHAW promotes the international and intercultural skills of its employees and students and thus contributes to sustainable social, economic, technological and ecological development. Always with the aim of broadening horizons and thus further developing the competencies of those involved and forming personalities.

Our competences

Attractive courses for incoming and outgoing students

Intercultural competencies, foreign language skills and cosmopolitanism - are indispensable for effective cooperation in multinational teams and successful dealings with foreign customers. The International Office promotes these skills and is the hub for the organisation and administration of student exchanges worldwide.

⇒ Outgoing: from Switzerland to abroad
⇒ Incoming: from abroad to Switzerland

Strategic and international partnerships in Europe and worldwide

With a network of over 90 partner universities in 48 countries, the ZHAW School of Life Sciences and Facility Management has an excellent network of academic partners worldwide. This network helps us to promote international cooperation for students, lecturers and employees.

⇒ Exchange programmes
⇒ Partner universities

Internationalization in teaching and research


The ZHAW supports cooperation with international partner universities in teaching continuing education, research and services. This contributes to sustainable social, economic and technological development by nurturing the international and intercultural skills of its employees and students.

⇒ Partner universities
⇒ Exchange programmes
⇒ Staff mobility

Focus on Europe

Through its strong European and global partnerships, the ZHAW also supports the positioning of its local, regional and national economic partners in Europe and around the world.

⇒ ZHAW Cooperations
⇒ Double Degree programmes

Exchange programmes

Partnerhochschulen: Studieren im Ausland

Over 90 partner universities in Europe accept our students as guests. All of them also have offers for staff mobility. In the rest of the world, you apply as a free mover for a guest study program at your university of choice.

Swiss Programme for Erasmus+

An exchange within the Swiss-European Mobility Programme SEMP is possible at all universities of applied sciences and universities with which the Department of Life Sciences and Facility Management - Erasmus Code ZHAW (CH WINTERT03) - has signed a Bilateral Agreement. The list is constantly changing. Which university you can visit depends on your study programme.

International Office

Do you have any questions regarding student or staff mobility at the ZHAW LSFM? Then you are in the right place! The International Office (IO) team LSFM coordinates all outgoing and incoming exchanges and offers advice if you are interested or support in case of questions.

You can reach us by mail during the week on regular office hours:

Another option will be to visit us at our office GA 320 - see location map(PDF 813,6 KB) - for on-site-support from Monday to Thursday between: 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. 

For questions or a meeting appointment outside these hours, send an email to:

Cornelia Soland

Head of International Office


Jacqueline Eibert Metzen

Student Exchange Coordinator, Outgoing


Xenia Meier

Student Exchange Coordinator, Incoming


Specialist advice within the degree programmes

If you have any questions regarding mobilities specifically related to your study program, please directly contact the responsible specialist adviser.