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School of Life Sciences
and Facility Management

Exchange options

The ZHAW is a university with a high degree of practical relevance. Accordingly, we are committed to imparting international skills.

Types of Mobility

Student Mobility for Studies (SMS)
Mobility of students who spend at least 2 months (max. 12 months) abroad for study purposes.

Student Mobility for Traineeships (SMT)
Mobility of students who spend at least 2 months (up to max. 12 months) abroad in the framework of a Bachelor's or Master's thesis.
The requirements and general conditions for an SMT – stay for incoming ZHAW students can be found here(PDF 112,1 KB). For outgoing students, the conditions of the chosen partner university/institution apply.

Free Mover

If the university you have selected is not one of our partner universities and therefore not part of one of our institutional programmes such as SEMP, then you can apply to study (at almost any university institution worldwide) as a free mover. You will largely organize your stay independently and will be personally responsible for gaining official recognition for your academic achievements, which is regulated by a Learning Agreement and Transcript of Records (ToR).

Information for outgoing Free Mover

Since free movers pay semester fees to the host university, those due to the ZHAW, will be waived for the duration of the stay abroad, except the ASVZ and Alias fees. If you plan to attend some ZHAW online courses during your Free Mover stay, the ZHAW semester fees usually have to be paid as well (to be clarified in advance). Please note that a Free Mover exchange must be discussed in advance with the mobility officer in your study field.

Information for incoming Free Mover

You can enrol as a Free Mover at the ZHAW for one or two semesters and pay tuition fees of CHF 350 per semester. You must be a legally registered resident in Switzerland and have sufficient insurance cover and you need to register online with the full name and address of the destination university. Admission of Free Mover is decided on an individual basis.

To obtain a link to the Free Mover online registration form, please contact the International Office, with the full name and address of the destination university.

Important for all registrations

Please clarify the crediting of ECTS in advance with the head of your degree programme.

Degree Program at the ZHAW

Partner University Country Degree Program at the Partner University Degree Level Year at the partner university
Master Life Sciences / Vertiefung Pharmaceutical Biotechnology Università Degli Studi Dell’Insubria Italy Laurea Magistrale in Biotechnology for the Bio-based and Health Industry Master 2
Master Environment and Natural Resources University of Ljubljana Slovenia MSc Water Science and Environmental Engineering Master 2
Master Environment and Natural Resources Inland Norway University of Applied Science Norway Master in Applied Ecology Master 2
Master Environment and Natural Resources Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde Germany MSc Ökologische Landwirtschaft u. Ernährungssysteme Master 2

Internships Abroad

IAESTE- work experience abroad

Another way to gain intercultural experience and build up an international network is to complete an internship abroad. For many years, the ZHAW has been cooperating in this field with the organisation IAESTE, which specialises in worldwide placement of internships for students of technical and scientific subjects. The internships take place mainly during the summer break and are a source of cultural enrichment. Broaden your horizons and enhance your CV with international experience. You can complete an IAESTE internship abroad from the fourth semester onwards.

Various internships in the EU was created from a project of the  Erasmus Student Network (ESN). One of its tasks is to represent international students by offering opportunities for cultural understanding and self-development according to the principle: Students Helping Students.

Courses at partner institutions

The variety of courses offered at our partner universities provide an opportunity for a stay abroad.