Leisure time
ZHAW students and employees in Wädenswil benefit from a wide range of leisure activities. Make your free time creative, active and, above all, fun.

Zurich Academic Sports Association ASVZ
The Zurich Academic Sports Association (ASVZ) offers a wide ranging sports programme: volleyball, basketball and badminton training take place at three locations in Wädenswil, and strength and endurance training in our Strength and Cardio Centre. ZHAW students are automatically eligible to participate and benefit from the entire range of ASVZ activities, its free attractive courses and camps.
Club sports
The regional sports clubs offer a wide variety of options, ranging from recreational to elite sports. Be it individual or team sports, games or endurance sports, there is something for everyone. The following clubs would all be pleased to hear from you.
Forest bathing and forest mindfulness
Feeling stressed? The course is aimed at students and employees who want to relax in nature from everyday stress or who want to use the forest preventively to promote health. We learn various mindfulness exercises, train our senses in nature and apply various breathing and body awareness techniques.
- Dates 2025: March 12, April 9, May 14, June 11
- Time: 5 - 6 p.m.
- Meeting point: Main entrance GC building, Grüental campus, ZHAW Wädenswil
- Location: Forest
- Requirements: none
- Participation: comfortable and weather-appropriate clothing

Academic and Professional English
Should you wish to improve your English skills for work or study, you may be interested in the Academic and Professional English course, where the main emphasis is on polishing up essential communication skills in English. The course takes place in the spring semester and consists of the equivalent of one double-lesson per week. It is open to third year and Master's students as well as staff.
Cambridge English exam preparation
The workshops are aimed at non-native English-speaking students and staff who would like to improve their English language proficiency skills. The overall aim of the workshops is to improve your English language proficiency and prepare you for the external Cambridge English exams in the summer of 2025. (Note: attendees are not obliged to take the exam).
The slots in the course are organised thematically and can also be attended individually.
Even weeks (CW 38, 40, 42, 44, 46, 48, 50) on site.
Odd weeks (CW 39, 41, 43, 45, 47, 49, 51) online on Teams.
- Tuesdays, 11:50 - 12:35 (RH 112 respectively online)
- Thursdays, 16:50 - 17:35 (RA 02.47 respectively online)
- Start Thursday, 19 September at 16:50 - 17:35 in RA 02.47
German for Foreign Speakers / German as a Foreign Language
Der Kurs richtet sich an Studierende und Mitarbeitende, deren Muttersprache nicht Deutsch ist und die ihre Deutschkenntnisse vertiefen wollen. Wir üben Leseverstehen, Hörverstehen, schriftlichen und mündlichen Ausdruck sowie Grammatik und Stilistik.
The course is aimed at non-native German speaking students and employees who want to improve their German skills. We practice reading, listening, writing and speaking, as well as grammar and stylistics.
- Beginners: Monday, 18.50 - 20.20, room RA O2.37
- Advanced: Monday, 16.50 - 18.35, room RA O2.37
- Courses start at the beginning of the semester.
¡Hola! Learn the language that is becoming increasingly important in music, culture and business. Spanish is a language spoken by more than 500 million people on both sides of the Atlantic.
- Beginners: Monday, 17.50 - 19.35, room RA O1.09 and Tuesday, 18.50 - 20.35, room RA O1.09
- Intermediate (beginners with previous knowledge): Tuesday, 16.50 - 18.35, room RA O1.09
- Conversation course: Monday, 16.50 - 17.35, room RA O1.09
- Courses start at the beginning of the semester.
French: precision, finesse, elegance, charm! 200 million speakers throughout the world. This course will help you express yourself better in this beautiful language by refreshing your previously acquired base knowledge.
These courses are available to students from all semesters.. There are two courses available to consolidate and expand your potential:
- Refresher course (B1) (grammar and conversation) Thursday, 16.50 - 18.35, room RA O2.20
- Conversation course (B2) (dialogues, reading, grammar as required) Tuesday, 16.50 - 18.35, room RA O2.37
- Courses start at the beginning of the semester.
L′italiano è da sempre la lingua dell′arte e del buon cibo in tutto il mondo. Ora lo puoi imparare o migliorare in un′atmosfera di pura italianità.
Italian has always been the language of art and good food all over the world. The language is learnt through immersion in a purely Italian atmosphere.
- Level A1: Wednesday, 16.50 - 18.35, room RA O2.24
- Start at the beginning of each semester
ESN - Student Exchange
At the ZHAW in Wädenswil there is also an ESN (Erasmus Student Network) branch: We look after domestic and foreign exchange students and support LSFM students who are interested in an exchange semester at another university.
Would you feel like to work in a dynamic team, cultivate relationships, take care of exchange students, hold parties...?
Tandem meeting point
In tandem learning, two people with different native languages work together. They can share their cultural experiences, improve their foreign language skills, practice correct pronunciation, and learn to communicate in a foreign language. The tandem partners have the opportunity to experience a language, even if they are currently unable to visit the country of their target language.
Contact and registration: www.zhaw.ch/tandem
Culture and culinary

Do you like singing? Are you getting bored of only doing this in the shower? Then you are very welcome to join our choir, whether you are a student or an employee.
- Wednesday, 17.15 - 18.45, room RA O3.19
The forum focusses on current topics from culture, business, politics and science and regularly invites speakers. The presentations are announced individually and every one interested is welcomed.
Student Forum
We offer students the opportunity to organize events, discussions and lectures themselves. Do you have a concern or a topic that affects us all? We will provide you with organisational support.
- Contact: Stephan Küng and Thomas Goetz
- to Student Forum
ZHAW Theatre Group - Will you join us?
We practise theatre improvisation, invent from the moment, play and tell whatever comes to mind. We slip into different characters, try things out and let ourselves be surprised. Improvisation promotes your spontaneity and creativity. Without you even noticing it, you will be trained in performance skills and work on your voice and expression.
Students and lecturers with or without theatre experience are welcome!
- Monday 19.15 - 20.30, room RA O1.01
- Start at the beginning of each semester
Drawing and painting
Do you like being creative with pencil, ink and bright colors? Then we can experiment together with pleasure. Without formality, simple and spontaneous we express what we feel at the moment in "a stroke or a spot of color".
- Tuesday, 17.00 - 19.00, room RA O2.47
- Courses start at the beginning of the semester.
Klimatopf Cooking class
Sustainable, enjoyable and healthy cooking - made easy!
In our test kitchen at the ZHAW in Wädenswil, you will cook vegan, vegetarian recipes from the “Klimatopf” that are good for the planet and for you. Bring an apron and a container for any leftovers.
- Duration: from 3 - 6.30 pm
- Limited number of participants: 10 people per evening
- Themed evenings: to be booked individually
June 5, 2025 «Power aus Pflanzen: Hülsenfrüchte in all ihren Facetten»
June 11, 2025 «Getreide neu entdecken: Viel mehr als nur Backen»
June 19, 2025 «Milchalternativen: Überraschend vielseitig und lecker»
June 24, 2025 «Kleine Kraftpakete: Nüsse, Samen, Kerne kreativ verwenden»
July 2, 2025 «Bunte Gemüsevielfalt: Saisonal und voller Geschmack»

Physical Computing HandsOn
It's that time again. Our popular Physical Computer course will take place again in the autumn semester 2024. The programme is varied and gives you an insight into exciting topics, methods and techniques, all of which you can put to good use in your studies.
The course units include:
- Robotik: Hands-on
- Microcontroller: Raspberry Pi with MicroPython
- Engineering: Project development
- TinyML: with Edge Impulse
Registration: To register for the course, you must enrol in the Moodle course yourself.
There you will find all the information about the course. Under the section ‘Registration for the course content’ you can register for the units that interest you.
Clubs / Associations

Titania Student Association
Our student association has existed since 1885 and offers you the opportunity to make contact with students from various institutes and thus build an active network for your future professional career. We meet regularly in Titania House and go on various excursions together. Above all, friendship, friendly gatherings and exciting activities are our priority.
Alias students of the ZHAW
Alias represents all ZHAW students and at the same time promotes the study culture. Via two information channels, Alias offers entertainment and the opportunity to actively participate. The student magazine ZAKK provides weekly online and free information on current and exciting topics such as student life at the ZHAW, culture, culinary delights and travel. Studiradio Campus.FM offers broadcasts on culture, sports, reports, talk shows and much more every Tuesday and Thursday from 6 pm to 8 pm - and they are available as podcasts.
NaKt - The Alias Sustainability Commission
NaKt is committed to addressing student sustainability concerns at the School of Life Sciences (N), as well as at the ZHAW as a whole. Anyone who is interested can take part in NaKt events, participate in regular meetings to share their thoughts, or send any questions or comments that they have by email. By working together, the ZHAW can become more sustainable. Information about NaKt events and news is shared on Instagram and LinkedIn.
Learn and enjoy
Some of the rooms at the ZHAW are also available outside of normal opening hours.
Student Meet
The student meet is a meeting point for all study programmes. Every Thursday from 18.00 to 24.00 in Jugendhaus Sust (1st floor) at Wädenswil station.
Information is available via the "Studitreff ZHAW Wädenswil" Facebook group
Tips and information about sustainable studying and living in Wädenswil.
Collective gardening
The collective garden offers the students the opportunity to gain experience in vegetable and herb cultivation and to share knowledge. Growing some of your food yourself is one of many steps to putting the theoretical principles of sustainability into practice. The garden is organically farmed and maintained by everyone throughout the year.
Against food waste!
The solar-powered refrigerator in front of the main entrance to the GC building is open day and night. Students can support sustainability by providing all those who are hungry with a choice of foods that can no longer be sold but are still edible.