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School of Life Sciences
and Facility Management

Centre for Biochemistry and Bioanalytics

“Proteins build the structure and chemistry of life. Their vast diversity, specialization and potential for therapeutic use are overwhelming and turn biochemistry and bioanalytics into pioneering disciplines.”

Prof. Dr. Sabina Gerber, Head of Centre

We realize projects in research and development in cooperation with partners from industry and universities. The strengths of the Center of Biochemistry and Bioanalytics headed by Prof. Dr. Sabina Gerber are the production, bioanalytics and development of proteins for therapeutic applications.

Our core competencies are recombinant protein technology, downstream processing, protein engineering and bioinformatics as well as a broad portfolio of bioanalytical methods.


Courses of study

For the Bachelor's degree, the Centre for Biochemistry and Bioanalytics is responsible for biochemistry lectures 1-4, as well as bioanalytics lectures and the laboratory training in biochemistry.

The specialization laboratory course in semester 6 and the following Bachelor’s thesis include research topics within our research projects and our core expertise.  

In the Master’s degree program in the specialization “Chemistry for the Life Sciences”, we hold the module Big Active Molecules with the lecture "Recombinant Proteins as Therapeutics" and the hands-on training "Downstream Processing & Analytics" in our laboratories. Master’s theses projects comprise scientific questions within the scope of our R&D interests.