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School of Life Sciences
and Facility Management

Day of Life Sciences 2022: Interdisciplinary approaches to drug discovery and drug development

The symposium ‘Competencies in Drug Discovery’, which will take place on 9 June at the Grüental Campus, will focus on pharmaceutical drug research and drug development. Twelve speakers from both Switzerland and abroad will present new approaches to the treatment of various diseases and discuss them from a biological, chemical and medical point of view. The event also marks the official founding of the new Centre of Excellence for Drug Discovery at our institute.

The research and development of new active ingredients is of great social relevance because it continuously creates better and new treatment options for patients. "Projects in pharmaceutical drug research and drug development are very complex. They require expertise from a wide range of disciplines as well as close cooperation between science and industry", says Prof. Dr. Rainer Riedl, who is organising the symposium together with Prof. Dr. Martin Sievers. The symposium also aims to these diverse backgrounds and perspectives.

The speakers come from science and industry, and will address a wide range of topics – from new treatment options for leishmaniasis to alternative antibiotics and bioactive substances to new approaches to treating leukemia. In addition, a number of companies will use the opportunity as an exhibitor to present their new products relevant to the field of drug discovery. A poster session for young scientists is also integrated. We thank the companies Novartis, Büchi and RGCC for being involved as sponsors.

Further strengthen interdisciplinarity

"All these projects are only possible thanks to intensive national and international cooperation, and it is precisely these interdisciplinary collaborations that we would like to further promote with our centre", says Riedl. Many of the projects presented at this conference were successfully carried out by Riedl's and Siever's research groups together with their partners. In the process, they have built up an extensive network. Rainer Riedl: "This results in a variety of starting points for further projects, currently, for example, increasingly in cancer research and the development of antiviral agents. We are really looking forward to it!"

⇒ Further information and registration for the Day of Life Sciences 2022