Negawatts instead of megawatts
We want to find out how small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) should be approached and advised so that they implement energy efficiency measures in their companies.
The result will be an approach that takes into account the special situation of many SMEs. For example: low share of electricity costs in total operating costs, no in-house energy specialists, investments outside the core business difficult, rental of buildings.
Initial Situation and Motivation

Many organizations already provide energy and power efficiency advice to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), delivering measures to reduce energy consumption. However, two problems are apparent:
- The programs implemented to date have reached less than 1% of the approximately 300,000 SMEs in Switzerland.
- After analysis and consulting, SMEs only implement a small portion of the proposed measures. The implementation rates of the measures and thus their impact are low.

It is estimated that Swiss companies could reduce their energy consumption by 30%. There is therefore considerable potential for energy savings. Despite intensive efforts by business and environmental associations, energy supply companies and energy agencies at the cantonal and municipal level, this potential has not yet been sufficiently exploited.
The «Negawatt instead of Megawatt» project focuses on small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with an annual electricity consumption between 10 and 500 MWh. The technical potential for electricity savings in these SMEs is estimated at 5.7 TWh per year (approx. 10% of Switzerland's electricity consumption). At today's electricity prices, around two-thirds of this (3.8 TWh per year) could be economically implemented.
New Approach
- The interdisciplinary approach (psychology, sociology, marketing, sales, economics, engineering) is intended to incorporate findings from related fields.
- The focus is on the 250,000 SMEs with an electricity consumption between 10 and 500 MWh per year. This target group, with a savings potential of up to 10% of Swiss electricity consumption, has hardly been reached so far.
- For the first time, SMEs in a region are being targeted comprehensively.
- The project will provide additional scientific foundations in the area of energy efficiency, the most important element of the federal government's Energy Strategy 2050.
- Many of the findings should be applicable to the entire energy sector.
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Detailed information on the «Negawatts instead of megawatts» project
«Negawatt statt Megawatt» ist ein interdisziplinäres ZHAW-Projekt, durchgeführt durch das Institut für Umwelt und Natürliche Ressourcen (IUNR), das Institut für Marketing Management (IMM), die Fachstelle Wirtschaftspolitik (FWP) und die Kompetenzgruppe Entscheidungsprozesse in Umwelt und Verkehr (FMVS).
Projektorganisation und Projektmitarbeitende
Von der Literaturstudie über die Analyse zu den Praxistests und Pilotversuchen: Erfahren Sie, wie wir im Projekt «Negawatt statt Megawatt» im Detail vorgehen.
Vorgehen «Negawatt statt Megawatt»
Wir informieren gerne über die Ergebnisse aus dem Projekt. Was wir zum Einsparpotential bei der Zielgruppe herausgefunden haben und wie das Projekt «Negawatt statt Megawatt» weitergeht, beschreiben wir in den Projektergebnissen.
Ergebnisse «Negawatt statt Megawatt»
«Negawatt statt Megawatt» ist ein interdisziplinäres ZHAW-Projekt, durchgeführt durch das Institut für Umwelt und Natürliche Ressourcen (IUNR), das Institut für Marketing Management (IMM), die Fachstelle Wirtschaftspolitik (FWP) und die Kompetenzgruppe Entscheidungsprozesse in Umwelt und Verkehr (FMVS).
Von der Literaturstudie über die Analyse zu den Praxistests und Pilotversuchen: Erfahren Sie, wie wir im Projekt «Negawatt statt Megawatt» im Detail vorgehen.
Wir informieren gerne über die Ergebnisse aus dem Projekt. Was wir zum Einsparpotential bei der Zielgruppe herausgefunden haben und wie das Projekt «Negawatt statt Megawatt» weitergeht, beschreiben wir in den Projektergebnissen.
Projektorganisation und Projektmitarbeitende
Vorgehen «Negawatt statt Megawatt»
Ergebnisse «Negawatt statt Megawatt»