Business Start-Ups
A business idea must be achievable to be achieved.
Research-based companies
The interface between research and industry provides fertile ground for new businesses, and many start-up ideas go all the way to the market. We play an active role in the local start-up organisation Wädenswil (grow).
From this, a number of spin-offs have been created such as:
The I2B Programme at LSFM and the Entrepreneurship@ZHAW programme act as first point of contact and advice for ZHAW employees and students interested in setting up their own companies.
Entrepreneurship@ZHAW acts as an umbrella programme for start-up support at ZHAW, and acts as a first point of contact and advice for prospective start-ups and ZHAW employees interested in setting up their own companies.
Innovation to Business

Within the framework of the “Innovation to Business” (in German) programme (I2B), promising innovations in the area of Life Sciences are selected from ZHAW research and accompanied as they progress to the spin-off stage.
Wädenswil - grow: helping start-ups

ZHAW works together with other partners in the local organisation Wädenswil (grow), which promotes start-ups in the life sciences or in the areas of biotechnology, chemistry, food and nutrition, the environment and natural resources and facility management.
Grow offers professional support to prospective start-ups, providing infrastructure, advice, coaching and starting capital to help those striking out on their own. The role it plays in regional, national and specialist networks means that start-ups can extend their geographical reach and boost their professionalism.
Services include
- Flexible office space
- Tiered rental rates for the first three years
- Coaching
- Points of contact at the university
- Office infrastructure and copyshop
- Shared use of lab infrastructure