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How can the future of companies made more sustainable and regenerative?

Our master's students are dealing with this and other questions during four semesters in the Agro Food Project (AGFP). Today we take a closer look at the AGFP "Regeneration at Patiswiss".

Back: Patiswiss team // Front, from left to right: Samira Borbach, Deborah Beer, Manuel Schwizer (all MSc PREFS students)

Stefan Geller, CEO at Patiswiss AG (PATAG), who is supervising the project as a project partner, describes the collaboration with PREFS students Deborah Beer, Samira Borbach, Manuel Schwizer and Vinzenz Hahl as a great benefit for both sides: "The close collaboration and regular exchange with the students gives us a bird's eye view of our company and provides valuable input on how we can make our company even more sustainable and regenerative."

In the last workshop, the students had the opportunity to present their analyses and initiatives to the management and employees from the project group and to plan the next steps together. Deborah Beer and her team report: "The project and the collaboration with Patiswiss enable us to apply the content and tools we have developed in our studies in the corporate environment. Patiswiss offers us a platform for collaboration with, on the one hand, the management and, on the other hand, the entire staff. Through the regular exchange between students and CEO Stefan Geller, as well as workshops conducted by us and mutual constructive feedback, both sides benefit from the collaboration."

We are pleased that our students have the opportunity to contribute the know-how they have acquired during their studies in their AGFP "Regeneration at Patiswiss", to develop measures together with Patiswiss and thus to shape the future of the company in an even more sustainable and regenerative way. A real win-win situation for both sides!

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