Clinical Chemistry

«As key elements of precision medicine, new biomarkers not only enable the diagnosis of diseases, but also the adaptation and monitoring of therapies. Advances in biomarker research are thus paving the way for even more precise and individualized treatment options.»
Dr. Sandro Manni, Head of Section Clinical Chemistry
As part of the Clinical Chemistry research group, the team is dedicated to researching the molecular basis of diseases and identifying and validating new biomarkers that are intended to serve as the key to early detection and precise diagnosis of diseases. For this purpose the team develops innovative diagnostic test procedures and methods. Another focus of the research group is the development of analytical workflows for the identification and characterization of effectors of adverse drug reactions, including their pharmacological properties. In addition, the identification and evaluation of potential drug targets suitable for targeted therapies is another key interest of the group.
About us

Our group conducts research using state-of-the-art clinical-chemical, biochemical and immunological methods such as LC-MS/MS and highly sensitive immunoassays for the detection of specific proteins and biomolecules. In addition, cell and tissue cultures are used to investigate the mechanisms in physiological and pathological processes. By combining these innovative approaches, we aim to optimize the efficiency and effectiveness of treatment strategies and ultimately improve clinical outcomes and patients' quality of life.