Hospitality & Service Management Expert Group
Our topics
Our Expert Group researches and works on topics in the context of hospitality and service management. The focus is on stakeholder-centric management of services, for example in healthcare organisations, gastronomic businesses and hotels. In collaboration with our research partners, we examine research questions and develop systematic approaches. With our business partners, we analyze problems, develop practicable solutions and support their implementation. Our customers and partners are businesses and institutions of any size.
Research and development
The group's applied research and development activities focus on the development or enhancement of processes and methods, and on FM-related strategic issues in a whole-business context, taking into account demographic, economic and regulatory developments, and their impact on companies and the services they provide.
Consultancy and services
The group offers its clients a comprehensive range of services; it not only evaluates operational processes within companies in the capacity of an independent expert, but also provides strategic consultancy services and works together with its clients to develop proposals for improvements and implementation-ready solutions. We collaborate closely with the IFM's other Expert Groups as well as the remaining ZHAW Institutes and other universities.
The group's teaching approach combines theory with applied practice on the basis of scientifically proven knowledge. Its courses cover theoretical and management-related findings as well as the technical and mathematical skills which the hospitality and service managers of the future will need. The following courses are offered to BSc and MSc students: Food Service Processes and Management, Value Creation (strategy development, event management, accommodation and business plans), Textile and Cleaning Management and Procurement Management. The group also passes on strategic findings from its research projects in the field of healthcare and consumer FM.
Focal points
Digital Transformation for FM in HC
The digital transformation of non-medical services in healthcare organisations will play a crucial role in the years to come. The Hospitality & Service Management Expert Group researches this topic with a holistic and interdisciplinary approach all the way to specific impacts and measures for Facility Management. In a first step, the strategic need for action for digitalisation in healthcare organisations was examined. The resulting Innosuisse project Digital Competence for Healthcare (DC4HC), had the goal to develop a digital maturity model for the assessment of non-medical support processes.
Service Robotics & Technology

Service robots and technologies are currently being developed at a rapid pace. With its focus on hospitality and service provision, the competence group is involved in national and international further development together with researchers from a wide range of disciplines (see e.g.): RobotCare - user experience in the development of service robots for geriatric care, implementation of service robots in Swiss hospitals and hotels, technologization in retirement and nursing homes, flexibilization of catering services in APHs with the help of technology.
Food Services in Healthcare Organisations / Food for Care

The provision of food and beverages plays a major role in healthcare organisations and care homes. Our team addresses the topic in a number of ways, e. g. concerning challenges and solutions for catering in care and nursing homes, in the context of the use of technology to make catering services in care homes more flexible, with new concepts for patient hospitality and staff culinary on the strategic and tactical level, the digitalisation of catering (project DIGINUT), in researching approaches to data-driven decision support in hospital gastronomy.
Benchmarking in the healthcare sector: Hotel business and technical facility management

Benchmarking in the healthcare sector is carried out in the hotel business with catering and cleaning as well as technical facility management the surveys and evaluations are carried out annually and cover around 50 healthcare institutions from the acute hospital, rehabilitation clinic, psychiatry and care home sectors.
Professional Project Management in Healthcare Organisations

We are engaged in the development of project management and project-oriented procedures in healthcare organisations, e. g. in the context of the spm project management association's specialist group PM in Healthcare Organisations.
Reference Model for Non-medical Support Services in Hospitals

In order to illustrate complex interconnections of FM in HC in a clear manner, the Reference Model for Non-medical Support Services in Hospitals [RemoS] was developed in collaboration with four hospitals and three partners in industry. The model shows the connections between the result-oriented services in the Service Catalogue for Non-Medical Support Services in Hospitals [LekaS], the underlying processes [PromoS], the related key performance indicators (parameters) [KenkaS] and the corresponding software applications [ApplikaS]. The Reference Model is the basis for the Guideline to use SAP for Facility Management in Healthcare [LesapS] and the IT-supported Assessment, Simulation and Benchmarking Tool for Facility Management in Healthcare [ASBT-FM].
Our projects
Unfortunately, no list of projects can be displayed here at the moment. Until the list is available again, the project search on the ZHAW homepage can be used.
Our publications
Pericin Häfliger, Irina; Pfenninger, Mirjam,
Service Levels im Krankenhaus : der Weg zur Vereinheitlichung.
Rationell reinigen.
2016(5), pp. 36-41.
Available from:
Honegger, Franziska; Betschart, Madeleine,
Reinigungsbenchmark für Heime und Spitäler.
Heime und Spitäler.
Available from:
Kofler, Andrea,
ActiveAdvice : "intelligente" Beratung im Alter.
2016(2), pp. 7.
Available from:
Honegger, Franziska,
Auch eine Spitalplanung kann reibungslos über die Bühne gehen!? : das etwas andere Handbuch.
Immohealthcare 2016, Eimeldingen bei Basel, 11.-12. Mai 2016.
Gerber, Nicole; Perschel, Wolfgang,
2016(3), pp. 98-99.
Available from:
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Institute for Facility Management
FM in HC
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