Digital Health Zurich funded by DIZH

The ZHAW Datalab and the ZHAW Digital Health Lab will work together with University of Zurich and the Zurich University Hospital in the project Digital Health Zurich. The project is funded by DIZH (Digital Initiative Zurich) with close to 4 million CHFs.
The goals are the research of novel digital health solutions in the hospital context and to implement them in a way that is both efficient and relevant to practice, by establishing an agile innovation center integrating academia, clinics and industry. Key topics are Patient Reported Outcome Measures (PROM), Patient Empowerment, Remote Monitoring and related technologies.

The core team is made up of Philipp Ackermann, ZHAW School of Engineering, Focus Area Human-Centered Computing, Sven Hirsch, ZHAW Life Sciences und Facility Management, Center for Computational Health, Michael Krauthammer, UZH Department of Quantitative Biomedicine, Kurt Stockinger, ZHAW School of Engineering, Intelligent Information Systems, and Claudia Witt, UZH Institute for Complementary and Integrative Medicine, Digital Society Initiative (from left to right).
The project will be launched at the kick-off meeting including research, practice and industry partner, on 20 December 2022. Further information can be found at Digital Health Zurich as well as in a ZHAW News Release.