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Provision of external expertise for ESN’s 2024 focus area “Protecting Children: Working in Partnership across Children’s Services”

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The European Social Network (ESN) has been actively involved in supporting knowledge exchange on children's well-being since 2008-2009 through working groups and seminars. The importance of continuous needs assessment, family and community-based care, and joint work with education, health, police and justice as key factors for promoting better outcomes for vulnerable children and families has been outlined.

With the 2024 seminar, ESN will look at needs and good practices in a multisectoral approach where public authorities, general and specialist child protection services and families work together to ensure safety and inclusion of vulnerable children in the community. For the purpose of the seminar, ESN will target as its primary objective the coordination across universal and specialist services and bridging national and European Initiatives, namely the European Child Guarantee and its National Action Plans, with the  European Commission Recommendation on Integrated Child Protection Systems, published in May 2024.

The expert support the ESN's work on Protecting Children: Working in Partnership across Children’s Services. The result of the activity will be the tenure of a seminar and the publication of a report, representing a review of new trends and the latest evidence of integrated child support and protection, presenting best practice examples from different European countries.