Test-Retestreliabilität von dreidimensionaler Bewegungsanalyse des Rumpfes: Ein Vergleich von markerbasierten Protokollen
Motion capture of the trunk using three-dimensional optoelectronic systems and skin markers placed on anatomical landmarks is prone to error due to marker placement, thus decreasing between-day reliability. The influence of these errors on angular output might be reduced by using an overdetermined number of markers and optimization algorithms, or by defining the neutralposition using a reference trial. The purpose of this study was to quantify and compare the between-day reliability of trunk kinematics, when using these methods. In each of two sessions, 20 subjects performed four movement tasks.Trunk kinematics wereestablished through the plug-in-gait protocol, the point cloud optimization algorithm, and by defining upright standing as neutral position. Between-day reliability was analyzed using generalizability theory and quantified by indexes of dependability. Across all movement tasks, none of the methods was superior in terms of between-day reliability. The point cloud algorithm did not improve between-day reliability, but did result in 24.3% greater axialrotation angles.The definition of neutral position by means of a reference trial revealed 5.8% higher indexes of dependability for lateral bending and axial rotation angles, but 13.7% smaller indexes of dependability for flexion angles. Further, using a reference trial resulted in 8.3° greater trunk flexion angles. Therefore, the selection of appropriate markerplacement and the corresponding calculation of angular output are dependent on the movement task and the underlying research question.
Fabian Rast
Dr. Christoph Bauer, Prof. Dr. Eveline Graf, Nicole Latzer, André Meichtry, Roger Stämpfli
abgeschlossen, 10/2015 - 12/2016
Institut für Physiotherapie (IPT)
Interne Förderung