Histories and life-stories of Yugoslav migration: Using biographic narratives as (digital) educational resource in teaching in secondary schools
The aim of this Agora project is to familiarise secondary school pupils with the history of migration from the region of former Yugoslavia and the political history of this region (in particular, the wars in Yugoslavia) through the life-stories of young adults belonging to the so-called second and third generation. The communication concept foresees the creation of a digital educational platform, which will present life-stories of young adults of different ethnoreligious backgrounds (collected in the framework of the main applicant’s previous Ambizione project) in a multimedia form adapted to the target audience, and a didactic concept for the use of this platform in the classroom. The life-stories of young people and their families are an excellent resource for communicating how migration has been experienced individually, while providing information about the wider historical, political and socioeconomic contexts that have triggered, shaped and governed this migration. By contextualising these migratory movements in the history of the region, the project will convey and explain the political, social and historical roots of the conflict in the former Yugoslavia, which has had repercussions for the whole region as well as for Switzerland. In this way, the project aims to broaden and diversify students' understanding of Swiss history and to raise their awareness of Switzerland's links with other regions. By providing an understanding of migration in its historical and contemporary perspective, and of Switzerland's entanglement with the history of other regions, the project will promote social cohesion and participation not only at the level of young people, but of society as a whole.
Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz FHNW / Zentrum Politische Bildung und Geschichtsdidaktik
laufend, gestartet 01/2025
Institut für Vielfalt und gesellschaftliche Teilhabe (IVGT)
Agora / Projekt Nr. 223953