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FDA: Use of the Term «Healthy» on Food Labeling

The FDA announced on December 19, 2024, a final rule to update the «healthy» claim that manufacturers can voluntarily use on food packages. The updated claim is consistent with current nutrition science and Federal dietary guidance.

Claims like «healthy» on food labels can help consumers identify healthier food choices at a quick glance. Foods must meet specific criteria to use the «healthy» nutrient content claim. The updated criteria for the claim replace outdated criteria for «healthy» with criteria that are consistent with current nutrition science and Federal dietary guidance. For example, current U.S. dietary guidelines include a focus on the importance of healthy dietary patterns and the food groups that comprise them, the type of fat in the diet rather than the total amount of fat consumed, and the amount of sodium and added sugars in the diet. The updated criteria identify foods that help consumers build a healthy eating pattern. 

To meet the updated criteria for the claim, a food product needs to 

  1. contain a certain amount of food from at least one of the food groups or subgroups (such as fruit, vegetables, grains, fat-free and low-fat dairy and protein foods) recommended by the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, and
  2. meet specific limits for added sugars, saturated fat and sodium. 

FDA - US Food and Drug Administration


Federal Register (FR): Food Labeling: Nutrient Content Claims; Definition of Term «Healthy»