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Italy digs in on Nutri-Score: «Consumers currently have enough information about the nutritional value of food»

Italy has kicked its long-standing fight against the adoption of Nutri-Score nutritional labelling across the EU up a notch in a new «non-paper» that has secured the official backing of seven other member states.

With the EC currently mulling which mandatory nutrition label to choose as part of its Farm-to-Fork sustainable food strategy later this year, NutriScore, which classifies food and beverages according to their nutritional profile by using a colour-coded system with a scale ranging from A (healthier choices) to E (less healthy choices), is the current favourite.

Governments in France, Germany, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Spain and Belgium have opted for NutriScore as their national voluntary labeling scheme. Many major retailers and food producers in Europe such as Nestlé, Kellogg and Danone have also voluntarily chosen to adopt NutriScore. However, Italy is strongly opposed to the system.


Zum Nutri-Score in der Schweiz, siehe News vom 25. September 2020