Dr. Gisela Reichmuth

Dr. Gisela Reichmuth
School of Engineering
Forschungsschwerpunkt Finance, Risk Management and Econometrics
Technikumstrasse 81
8400 Winterthur
Arbeit an der ZHAW
Dozentin für Finanzmathematik
Arbeits- und Forschungsschwerpunkte
Dozentin für Mathematik der Finanzmärkte, Risk Engineering, Finanzielle Unternhemensmodellierung
- Dozentin
09 / 2024 - heute - CEO
08 / 2018 - 08 / 2024 - COO
move digital AG
04 / 2015 - 07 / 2018 - Head of Trading
IMC Financial Markets
01 / 2005 - 01 / 2012
Aus- und Weiterbildung
- MBA / International Managment
03 / 2012 - 08 / 2013 - Dr. / Atmosphärenphysik
03 / 2000 - 12 / 2002 - Dipl.-Math. / Numerik, Astrophysik
Universität Würzburg
11 / 1993 - 12 / 1999
CAS Grundlagen der BVG-Vorsorge
04 / 2020
Mitglied in Netzwerken
ORCID digital identifier
Publikationen vor Tätigkeit an der ZHAW
- Schofield, R., Frieler, K., Wohltmann, I., Rex, M., Von Hobe, M., Stroh, F., Koch, G., Peter, T., Canty, T, Salawitch, R., & Volk, C. M. (2008). Polar stratospheric chlorine kinetics from a self‐match flight during SOLVE‐II/EUPLEX. Geophysical research letters, 35(1).
- Koch, G., Wernli, H., Schwierz, C., Staehelin, J., & Peter, T. (2005). A composite study on the structure and formation of ozone miniholes and minihighs over central Europe. Geophysical research letters, 32(12).
- Koch, G., Wernli, H., Buss, S., Staehelin, J., Peter, T., Liniger, M. A., & Meilinger, S. (2004). Quantification of the impact in mid-latitudes of chemical ozone depletion in the 1999/2000 Arctic polar vortex prior to the vortex breakup. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions, 4(2), 1911-1940.
- Koch, G., Wernli, H., Staehelin, J., & Peter, T. (2003). Reply to comment by H. Teitelbaum et al. on “A Lagrangian analysis of stratospheric ozone variability and long‐term trends above Payerne (Switzerland) during 1970–2001”. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 108(D21).
- Koch, G., Buss, S., Wernli, H., Staehelin, J., & Peter, T. (2003, April). Impact of polar ozone destruction on mid-latitudes. In EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly (p. 3709).
- Koch, G., Wernli, H., Staehelin, J., & Peter, T. (2002). A Lagrangian analysis of stratospheric ozone variability and long‐term trends above Payerne (Switzerland) during 1970–2001. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 107(D19), ACL-2.
Übrige Publikationen
"Open Banking: Opportunities and risks for the traditional banking industry ", 3rd International Workshop on Automated Regulatory Financial Reporting Regulatory Financial Reporting: Ready for the Next Challenges? 13. February 2025