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Prof. Dr. Marc Rennhard

Prof. Dr. Marc Rennhard

Prof. Dr. Marc Rennhard

ZHAW School of Engineering
Abteilung Informatik, Elektrotechnik und Mechatronik
Technikumstrasse 9
8400 Winterthur

+41 (0) 58 934 72 45

Arbeit an der ZHAW


Abteilungsleitung Fachabteilung Informatik, Elektrotechnik und Mechatronik

Arbeits- und Forschungsschwerpunkte

Professor für Informationssicherheit, mit Fokus auf Softwaresicherheit, Security Testing, Sicherheitsanalysen und Security Engineering. In Lehre und Forschung arbeite ich eng mit dem Institut für Informatik (InIT) zusammen.


  • Leiter Fachabteilung Informatik, Elektrotechnik und Mechatronik (IEM)
    ZHAW, School of Engineering
    2023 - heute
  • Professor (bis 2007 Dozent) für Informatik
    ZHAW, School of Engineering
    2004 - heute
  • Leiter Institut für angewandte Informationstechnologie (InIT)
    ZHAW, Institut für angewandte Informationstechnologie (InIT)
    2017 - 2023
  • Leiter Forschungsschwerpunkt Information Security
    ZHAW, Institut für angewandte Informationstechnologie (InIT)
    2005 - 2017
  • Senior IT Security Consultant (Freelancing)
    Consecom AG
    2007 - 2015
  • Senior Researcher
    ETH Zürich, Zurich Information Security Center (ZISC)
    2004 - 2005
  • Research Assistant
    ETH Zürich, Communication Systems Group
    1999 - 2004
  • IT Consultant
    Solution Providers AG
    1998 - 1999
  • Software Ingenieur
    Siemens Schweiz AG
    1995 - 1997

Aus- und Weiterbildung


  • Dr. sc. techn. ETH (PhD) / Anonyme Kommunikation im Internet
    ETH Zürich
    1999 - 2004
  • Dipl. El.-Ing. ETH (MSc)
    ETH Zürich
    1992 - 1998
  • Matura Typus C
    Bündner Kantonsschule Chur
    1986 - 1991


  • ZHAW Führungsausbildung
  • Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP)
  • Didaktischer Fachausweis in Informatik
    ETH Zürich
  • Cambridge Proficiency in English
    Cambridge English


Mitglied in Netzwerken

Social Media




Beiträge in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift, peer-reviewed
Bücher und Monographien, peer-reviewed
Buchbeiträge, peer-reviewed
Konferenzbeiträge, peer-reviewed
Weitere Publikationen
Mündliche Konferenzbeiträge und Abstracts

Publikationen vor Tätigkeit an der ZHAW

  • M. Rennhard, S. Rafaeli, L. Mathy, B. Plattner, and D. Hutchison. Towards Pseudonymous e-Commerce. In Electronic Commerce Research Journal, Special Issue on Security and Trust in Electronic Commerce, Kluwer Academics Publisher, volume 4, issue 1-2, pages 83-111, January-April 2004.
  • M. Rennhard and B. Plattner. Practical Anonymity for the Masses with Mix-Networks. In Proceedings of the 8th IEEE Intl. Workshop on Enterprise Security (WET ICE 2003), pages 255-260, Linz, Austria, 9th-11th June 2003.
  • M. Rennhard. Anonymity for the Masses with MorphMix. Technical Report Nr. 159, TIK, ETH Zurich, Switzerland, May 2003.
  • M. Rennhard. Practical Anonymity for the Masses with Mix-Networks. Technical Report Nr. 157, TIK, ETH Zurich, Switzerland, February 2003.
  • M. Rennhard and B. Plattner. Introducing MorphMix: Peer-to-Peer based Anonymous Internet Usage with Collusion Detection. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Privacy in the Electronic Society (WPES), in association with 9th ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS 2002), pages 91-102, Washington, DC, USA, 21st November 2002.
  • M. Rennhard. MorphMix: Peer-to-Peer based Anonymous Internet Usage with Collusion Detection. Technical Report Nr. 147, TIK, ETH Zurich, Switzerland, August 2002.
  • M. Rennhard, S. Rafaeli, L. Mathy, B. Plattner, and D. Hutchison. Analysis of an Anonymity Network for Web Browsing. In Proceedings of the 7th IEEE Intl. Workshop on Enterprise Security (WET ICE 2002), pages 49-54, Pittsburgh, USA, June 10th-12th 2002.
  • M. Rennhard, S. Rafaeli, and L. Mathy. Design, Analysis, and Implementation of an Anonymity Network for Web Browsing. Technical Report Nr. 129, TIK, ETH Zurich, Switzerland, February 2002.
  • M. Chapman, G. Davida, and M. Rennhard. A Practical and Effective Approach to Large-Scale Automated Linguistic Steganography. In Proceedings of the Information Security Conference (ISC 2001), pages 156-165, Malaga, Spain, 1st-3rd October 2001.
  • M. Rennhard, S. Rafaeli. and L. Mathy. From SET to PSET: The Pseudonymous Secure Electronic Transaction Protocol. Technical Report Nr. 117, TIK, ETH Zurich, Switzerland, August 2001.
  • M. Rennhard, S. Rafaeli, L. Mathy, B. Plattner, and D. Hutchison. An Architecture for an Anonymity Network. In Proceedings of the 6th IEEE Intl. Workshop on Enterprise Security (WET ICE 2001), pages 165-170, Boston, USA, 20st-22nd June 2001
  • S. Rafaeli, M. Rennhard, L. Mathy, B. Plattner, and D. Hutchison. An Architecture for Pseudonymous e-Commerce. In Proceedings of the Symposium on Information Agents for Electronic Commerce (AISB 2001), pages 33-42, York, UK, 21st-24th March 2001
  • M. Rennhard, S. Rafaeli, L. Mathy. The Pseudonymity Network Architecture. Technical Report MPG-01-02, Computing Department, Lancaster University, Lancaster, UK, February 2001.
  • M. Rennhard. A Software System for Turning Ciphertext into Plain English via Contextual Templates. Diploma Thesis, ETH Zurich, Switzerland, March 1998.