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Prof. Zeynep Erden Özkol

Prof. Zeynep Erden Özkol

Prof. Zeynep Erden Özkol

ZHAW School of Management and Law
Gertrudstrasse 8
8400 Winterthur

+41 (0) 58 934 72 49

Arbeit an der ZHAW


  • Dozentin and der School of Management and Law, Abteilung International Business
  • Zeynep Erden is a senior lecturer and researcher at ZHAW. Zeynep is also a Visiting Professor and coach at Vlerick Business School and a lecturer (PDA) at the Department of Management, Technology, and Economics (MTEC) at ETH Zurich. She teaches innovation management, healthcare management and strategy in various programmes, including Masters programmes and Online MBA.

Arbeits- und Forschungsschwerpunkte

Innovation und strategisches Management in wissensintensiven Branchen mit einem speziellen Fokus aufunter besondere Berücksichtigung der Koordination von Arbeitspraktiken und diesowie Auswirkungen digitaler Technologien auf die Gestaltung der zukünftigen Arbeit«Zukunft der Arbeit» in der globalen Life-Sciences-Industrie.


Innovation, Strategy, Healthcare Management


Zeynep Erden is a Professor of Global Strategy and Leadership at ZHAW. Zeynep is also a Visiting Professor and coach at Vlerick Business School and a lecturer (PDA) at the Department of Management, Technology, and Economics (MTEC) at ETH Zurich. Previously, Zeynep held a faculty position at Vlerick Business School, where she was Program Director of the Master in General Management. She received her Habilitation and PhD in Strategic Management and Innovation at ETH Zürich and an MSc from RWTH Aachen University Aachen. She was a visiting faculty at Chalmers University of Technology. Zeynep’s research and teaching activities are in the field of innovation strategies and leadership in global, multinational corporations, with particular focus on strategic renewal, team dynamics and organizational change in the global life sciences and healthcare industry. She has led projects with big pharma players and gained experience in the banking industry.
2021 - heute

Aus- und Weiterbildung


  • ETH Zurich / Strategic Management and Innovation
    12 / 2010 - 12 / 2016
  • ETH Zurich / Strategic Management and Innovation
    11 / 2006 - 03 / 2011
  • RWTH Aachen / Mechanical Engineering
    2003 - 2006
  • METU / Major in Industrial Engineering and Minor in Psychology
    1998 - 2003


  • International Teachers Program
  • Artificial Intelligence: Implications for Business Strategy
    MIT Executive Program


Mitglied in Netzwerken

  • ZHAW Digital Futures Lab
  • ZHAW Digital Health Lab
  • Academy of Management Society
  • European Academy of Management
  • European Group for Organization Studies


  • Best Paper Award - European Management Review
    European Management Review
    01 / 2012
  • Best Paper Award - Journal of Strategic Information Systems
    Journal of Strategic Information Systems
    01 / 2008

Social Media




Konferenzbeiträge, peer-reviewed
Weitere Publikationen
Mündliche Konferenzbeiträge und Abstracts

Publikationen vor Tätigkeit an der ZHAW

Ben-Menahem, S., Erden, Z. 2020. “Safeguarding Serendipitous Creativity During the COVID-19 Pandemic”, California Management Review Insight.   Erden, Z., Ben-Menahem, S., Von Krogh, G., Schneider, A., Koch, G, & Widmer. H. 2019. “Fostering multidisciplinary collaboration in drug discovery”, Drug Discovery World, Spring: 58-62.   Erden, Z. 2017. “The publishing and patenting strategies of successful university spinoffs in the biopharmaceutical industry”, Drug Discovery Today.   Ben-Menahem, S., von Krogh, G., Erden, Z. and Schneider, A., 2016. “Coordinating knowledge creation in multidisciplinary teams: Evidence from early-stage drug discovery”, forthcoming, Academy of Management Journal.   Erden, Z., Klang, D., Sydler, R., von Krogh, G., 2015. "How can we signal the value of our knowledge? Knowledge-Based Reputation and its Impact on Firm Performance in Science-Based Industries”, Long Range Planning.   Erden, Z., Schneider, A., von Krogh, G., 2014. “The multifaceted nature of social practic