Solar Energy
We focus on innovative photovoltaic projects such as alpine model systems for yield optimization, agri-photovoltaics, and the integration of hybrid collectors for simultaneous electricity and heat generation. Through research projects and simulations, we improve solar systems in complex environments and investigate their regional effects.
Significant developments are still expected in the field of photovoltaics: On one hand, the current technologies are becoming more cost-effective in production, so that a large-scale demand for photovoltaic systems will arise at the latest when solar power and electricity purchased from the local electricity supplier are equally expensive (so-called grid parity). Continuously decreasing storage costs will also allow for increased self-consumption of electricity. On the other hand, technologies are being developed that can generate electricity from solar energy on a variety of surfaces (for example, integrated into facades or windows, on clothing, as a thin layer on metallic surfaces, and many more).
Research topics
- Yield estimates and yield optimization (morning/evening/winter electricity) for complex photovoltaic systems (PV systems), for example in Alpine regions, taking into account optimal integration into the environment. Development of new design tools.
- Tests, simulations and development of optimal concepts for the use of hybrid modules (PVT modules).
- Short and medium-term demand forecasts and production forecasts for electricity and heat.
- Optimal operation of PV systems (self-consumption, maintenance, monitoring, cleaning, premature replacement of components).
Competencies / Services offered
- Measurement and evaluation of solar radiation during the day and radiation at night using energy-autonomous measuring equipment that is suitable for use in mountainous terrain.
- Energy concepts for the optimal integration of renewable energies.
- Evaluation, yield estimation and design of photovoltaic systems.
- PlusEnergy buildings with solar power, solar thermal and hybrid modules: concepts, measurements, optimizations.
- Simulation of the glare effect of solar systems.
- Regional value creation of projects with photovoltaics and/or solar thermal energy.
Realization of a model alpine photovoltaic system to enable yield estimates and optimizations for alpine solar installations by measuring solar power yields while varying various setting parameters. Alpine model photovoltaic system
Determining the photovoltaic potential of Swiss roofs on behalf of the Swiss Federal Office of Energy. Photovoltaic potential on roof surfaces in Switzerland
Investigation of a heating and cooling concept for residential buildings and districts of different sizes, which uses hybrid collectors (PVT collectors) and an insulated, open-bottomed underground storage tank as a buffer and long-term storage. ExSolStore
Investigation of possibilities for the regeneration of geothermal probes with solar thermal energy in residential areas using simulations. SolSeasStore
In collaboration with the Insolight company, the two research groups Renewable Energy and Horticulture have constructed an agro-photovoltaic test facility on the Grüental campus in Wädenswil. Agri-photovoltaic test facility
Investigation of a heating system with a heat pump that uses hybrid collectors as the sole heat source, which simultaneously generate electricity and heat (PVT collectors). L-Sol
Photovoltaic test facility in Davos. To study the light reflection of snow and its adhesion to the solar modules. Solar test facility in Davos
On the roof of the linth-arena sgu, a federally certified demonstration facility is operated with approx. 180 PVT modules. PVT solar power plant linth-arena sgu
At the ZHAW in Wädenswil, a PVT test facility is used to examine the suitability of hybrid modules for various applications. PVT test facility, ZHAW Wädenswil
A software tool is being developed for the simulation and planning of large PV systems in mountainous regions. Together with the EKZ, the ZHAW operates a photovoltaic test facility in an old quarry on Lake Walen. Alpenstrom
Simulation tool for assessing the glare effect of photovoltaic systems using 3D building and terrain models. Glare effect of PV system
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