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Dr. Kerstin Gari

Dr. Kerstin Gari

Dr. Kerstin Gari

ZHAW Life Sciences und Facility Management
Fachgruppe Biochemie
Einsiedlerstrasse 31
8820 Wädenswil

+41 (0) 58 934 50 49

Arbeit an der ZHAW


Fachgruppenleiterin Molekularbiologie und Biochemie in Co-Leitung mit Mathias Schmelcher

Arbeits- und Forschungsschwerpunkte

Krebsforschung; Isothermale DNA-Amplifikationsmethoden


Dozentin für Biochemie


  • SNF-Assistenzprofessorin
    Universität Zürich
    09 / 2013 - 03 / 2020
  • Postdoktorandin
    London Research Institute, England
    01 / 2009 - 06 / 2013
  • Postdoktorandin
    Universität Lausanne
    01 / 2008 - 12 / 2008

Aus- und Weiterbildung


  • PhD in Life Sciences / Biochemie
    Universität Lausanne
    06 / 2003 - 12 / 2007
  • Diplom / Biologie
    Universität Heidelberg, Deutschland
    09 / 1997 - 12 / 2002
  • Maîtrise / Zellbiologie und Physiologie
    Universität Montpellier, Frankreich
    09 / 2000 - 06 / 2001


CAS in Hochschuldidaktik
PH Zürich
06 / 2022


ORCID digital identifier

ORCID ID: 0000-0003-1276-8941



Beiträge in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift, peer-reviewed

Publikationen vor Tätigkeit an der ZHAW

  • Mariotti, L., Wild, S., Brunoldi, G., Piceni, A., Ceppi, I., Kummer, S., Lutz, R.E., Cejka, P. & Gari, K. (2020) The iron-sulphur cluster in human DNA2 is required for all biochemical activities of DNA2. Commun Biol, 3, 322.
  • Odermatt, D.C., Lee, W.T.C, Wild, S., Jozwiakowski S.K., Rothenberg, E. & Gari, K. (2020) Cancer-associated mutations in the iron-sulfur domain of FANCJ affect G-quadruplex metabolism. PLOS Genetics, 16(6): e1008740.
  • Simon, A.K., Kummer, S., Wild, S., Lezaja, A., Teloni, F., Jozwiakowski S.K., Altmeyer, M. & Gari, K. (2020) The iron-sulfur helicase DDX11 promotes the generation of single-stranded DNA for CHK1 activation. Life Sci Alliance, 3(3): e201900547.
  • Porebski, B., Wild, S., Kummer, S., Scaglione, S., Gaillard, P.H.L. & Gari, K. (2019) WRNIP1 protects reversed DNA replication forks from SLX4-dependent nucleolytic cleavage. iScience 21, 31-41.
  • Jozwiakowski, S.K., Kummer, S. & Gari, K. (2019) Human DNA polymerase delta requires an iron–sulfur cluster for high-fidelity DNA synthesis. Life Sci Alliance, 2: e201900321.
  • Odermatt, D.C. & Gari, K. (2017) The CIA targeting complex is highly regulated and provides two distinct binding sites for client iron-sulfur proteins. Cell Reports, 18, 1434-1443.
  • Lossaint, G., Larroque, M., Ribeyre, C., Bec, N., Larroque, C., Décaillet, C., Gari, K. & Constantinou, A. (2013) FANCD2 binds MCM proteins and controls replisome function upon activation of S phase checkpoint signaling. Mol Cell, 51, 678-90.
  • Gari, K., León Ortiz, A.M., Borel, V., Flynn, H., Skehel, J.M. & Boulton, S.J. (2012) MMS19 links cytoplasmic iron-sulfur cluster assembly to DNA metabolism. Science 337, 243-5.
  • Gari, K. & Constantinou, A. (2009) The role of the Fanconi anemia network in the response to DNA replication stress. Crit Rev Biochem Mol Biol, 44(5), 292-325.
  • Gari, K., Décaillet, C., Delannoy, M., Wu, L. & Constantinou, A. (2008) Remodeling of DNA replication structures by the branchpoint translocase FANCM. PNAS, 105, 16107-12.
  • Gari, K., Décaillet, C., Stasiak, A.Z., Stasiak, A. & Constantinou, A. (2008) The Fanconi anemia protein FANCM can promote branch migration of Holliday junctions and replication forks. Mol Cell, 29, 141-8.
  • Rehwinkel, J., Herold, A., Gari, K., Kocher, T., Rode, M., Ciccarelli, F.L., Wilm, M. & Izaurralde, E. (2004) Genome-wide analysis of mRNAs regulated by the THO complex in Drosophila melanogaster. Nat Struct Mol Biol, 11, 558-66.