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Angewandte Psychologie

Migrating for Love

Love is one of the biggest sources of inspiration and a driving force of orientation in life. In this globalized world, the commitment and devotion to a relationship can lead to moving countries and crossing cultures.

Acculturation and Adaptation of Migrating Partners


Living in another country and adapting to a new society, often another culture and language, comes with personal effort. This may enrich a person with multi-culturalism and a second home. Yet, even after years of living in a country "feeling at home" isn’t always a given.

Switzerland is known for stability and a high quality of life. Although its population is highly multicultural, adapting to the new life may be difficult.

People who choose to migrate out of commitment to a relationship not only leave family, friends, and social networks behind, but often jobs and professional careers. Finding employment or continuing/changing career can be difficult. Also, being foreign-born makes them more vulnerable to discrimination and more susceptible to the feeling of being treated unfairly. This may not only affect well-being, but also the sense of belonging to the country. Social support, on the other hand, can promote well-being during cultural adaptation.


With this project, we aim to examine how English speaking migrating partners are adapting to living in Switzerland, if they develop a sense of belonging or not, and what role their social support network play. We particularly look at challenges migrating partners might face, such as finding paid employment and the feeling of being discriminated. Furthermore, we evaluate the roles internal (e.g., resilience) and external (e.g., social support) resources play in the process of adapting to Switzerland.

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Fact Sheet

Project title : Migrating for Love: Acculturation and Adaptation of Migrating Partners in Switzerland

Data Collection : starting February 2022

Project Leader : Erica Chew Howard

Collaborator : PD Dr. Yoon Phaik Ooi


Project leader


PD Dr. Yoon Phaik Ooi
University of Basel

Project leader of University of Basel’s Home Abroad Study