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School of Engineering

1st European COST Conference on Mathematics for Industry in Switzerland

We would like to welcome you to the «1st COST Conference on Mathematics for Industry in Switzerland», hosted by the Institute of Applied Mathematics and Physics and the Institute of Data Analysis and Process Design at the Zurich University of Applied Sciences ZHAW in Winterthur, Switzerland.

Conference information at a glance

Invited Talks

Industrial Mathematics

Mathematics for Smart Maintenance

Financial Mathematics

Detailed Schedule

12:45-13:30 Keynote (TL 201): M. Laumanns: "Mathematics at the heart of next-generation public transport(PDF 11,6 KB)"  
  Industrial 1 (TL 424): Multiphysics, Imaging, Particle Systems Maintenance 1 (TL 201): Challenges and solutions in smart maintenance for railway systems Finance 1 (TL 412): Optimization and Robo-Advisors
13:30-14:00 B. Heitmann: "Spectroscopy meets AI"(PDF 37,6 KB) P. Dersin: "PHM for Rail Maintenance Management: at the cross-roads between data science and physics"(PDF 80,0 KB) J. Hakala: "Networks of Believe for Regulated Markets in Foreign Exchange"(PDF 7,7 KB)
14:00-14:30 S. Janacek: "What makes the pipeline dense?"(PDF 524,6 KB) F. Mari: "Predictive Maintenance beyond Prediction of Failures"(PDF 9,0 KB) O. Schmid: "Optimization Methods in Momentum Strategies"(PDF 113,3 KB)
14:30-15:00 V. Kumar: "Multiphysics simulations of flow measurement sensors"(PDF 65,2 KB) D. Galar: "Prognosis, Diagnosis and Maintenance Decision Support Systems: A mathematical approach"(PDF 273,5 KB) W. Putschögl: "The XVA conundrum"(PDF 7,8 KB)
15:00-15:30 A. Badarlis: "Parametric reduced order modeling applied to thermal property sensor"(PDF 89,4 KB) B. Huisman: "Condition Based Logistics: Calculation of Process Capacity"(PDF 9,1 KB) S. Schmid: "Robo-Advisor in Asset Management 2.0"(PDF 7,7 KB)
  Industrial 2 (TL 424): Computation and Optimization Maintenance 2 (TL 201): Advances and new directions for condition-based and predictive maintenance for energy systems Finance 2 (TL 412): Stability and Volatility
16:00-16:30 J. Giesen: "A review of the alternating direction method of multipliers for distributed optimization"(PDF 33,5 KB) P. De Causmaker: "Modeling, learning and solving dynamic problems by meta- and hyper- heuristics in maintenance"(PDF 11,7 KB) S. Sturm: "From Smile Wings to Market Risk Measures"(PDF 8,3 KB)
16:30-17:00 R. Mäder: "Parallel Computing with the Wolfram Language on the TACC/Wrangler Supercomputer"(PDF 34,7 KB) B. Stephen: "Domain Knowledge and Data Analytics: Towards a Holistic Approach to Power System Condition Monitoring and Asset Management"(PDF 56,2 KB) A. Binder: "Stability Issues in Computational Finance"(PDF 107,5 KB)
17:00-17:30 S. Ulzega: "A Hamiltonian Monte Carlo-­based method for boosting Bayesian parameter inference of stochastic differential equation models"(PDF 60,8 KB) Y. Hu: "Deep Detection: An Unsupervised Representation to Detect Anomalies in Raw Condition Monitoring Signals"(PDF 78,9 KB) U. Nögel: "Challenges for Big Data Analysis in The Post-Crisis Regulatory Environment"(PDF 11,0 KB)
17:30-18:00 P. Fusek: "Optimized Staff Scheduling at Swissport"(PDF 32,4 KB)   U. Wystup: "Volatility as investment - crash protection with calendar spreads of variance swaps"(PDF 8,3 KB)

1st COST Conference on Mathematics for Industry in Switzerland

September 15, 2016 - ZHAW Winterthur, Technikumstrasse 9, 8400 Winterthur

Aim of the conference

We aim to bring European academics, young researchers, students and industrial practitioners together to promote «Mathematics for Industry» in Switzerland. We want to promote «Mathematics for Industry» in Switzerland, similar to what ECMI is doing on an European-wide level.

We have three thematic workshops, focusing on Industrial Mathematics, Mathematics for Smart Maintenance, and Financial Mathematics.

The conference ist supported by the COST Network MI-NET and by the Swiss State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation SERI.

All lectures are open to the public. Please register for this event.

Key Note Presenter

Scientific topics

We want to leave the topic open as «Mathematics for Industry», but put a thematic focus on:

Specific sample topics

Industrial Mathematics

Financial Mathematics

Mathematics for Smart Maintenance



ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Technikumstrasse 9, 8400 Winterthur, Switzerland, Laborgebäude (TL)

The conference venue is situated at a walking distance of 450 metres from the station.

Travel to ZHAW School of Engineering, Winterthur

From the Zürich airport local transport brings you to the centre of Winterthur in just 20 minutes.

The conference takes place in a short walking distance to the train station. Numerous hotels in the immediate vicinity will ensure a pleasant stay in Winterthur

By train
The trains run as often as every 15 to 20 minutes from Zürich Airport and Zürich City and take about 15 minutes to arrive in Winterthur.

From the main railway-station, the conference location can be reached within a walking distance of less than 5 minutes.

By Car

Organizing Committee