ZHAW spin-off RWAI has secured CHF 1.5 million growth funding
Dean of the ZHAW School of Engineering elected a member of the SATW
From Toronto to Winterthur - An exchange semester at the ZHAW School of Engineering
Sifting through the Data Jungle at Hospitals with AI
Automated Grading with AI?
ZHAW involved in EU project DataGEMS: A data discovery platform to benefit business and society
ZHAW researchers develop hybrid cell tissue for medical research
Computer science graduates Martin Oswald and Tenzin Langdun awarded the SDG Award
New ZHAW spin-off RWAI develops AI solutions for software maintenance and support
Several modes of transport instead of just your private car: what potential does active mobility offer in Switzerland?
ZHAW researchers are supporting the development of a ceramic implant system for the optimised treatment of cruciate ligament ruptures.
ZHAW helps unravel some of the universe’s greatest mysteries with generative AI
Detecting falsified GPS signals in real time: ZHAW spin-off SkAI creates interactive map for air traffic
ZHAW graduates win the Audience Award of the National Siemens Excellence Award 2024
ZHAW researchers develop a secure architecture for future 6G mobile communications standard
Great opportunity for entrepreneurs!
Improving the trustworthiness of critical systems with AI: ZHAW and FHNW are part of the EU-HORIZON project AI4REALNET
ZHAW involved in the world’s most powerful neutron source in Sweden
Intelligent operation of solar power plants: predictive maintenance using a hybrid AI model
ZHAW School of Engineering and Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand sign double degree agreement for the Master of Science in Engineering