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School of Engineering

Master of Science in Engineering (MSE) Studies at the Institute of Sustainable Development (INE)

The Institute of Sustainable Development (INE) offers master's degree courses for the Master of Science in Engineering (MSE). They can be completed in all of the INE's main subject areas, in the profiles Business Engineering, Data Science and Energy and Environment.

In your MSE Master's programme, you will spend about two thirds of your studies at the Institute for Sustainable Development (INE). Here you will complete your specialisation and work on practice-oriented research and development projects in the main areas of study. In in-depth research projects and in the Master's thesis at the end of the degree programme, you will solve real-life problems of society and the economy, usually in collaboration with partners in practice. You can also complete your Master's degree MSE part-time, e.g. by working as a research assistant at INE or in practice.

You can deepen your knowledge with us in one of the following thematic fields:

The INE is particularly competent in the following profiles:


Business Engineering

The MSE master’s degree in Business Engineering enables you to develop, produce and distribute innovative products and services and to improve processes and business models. In doing so, you take into account quality, risk management, sustainability and life cycle aspects and can make targeted use of management information systems, decision support tools and quantitative as well as qualitative methods for the analysis and design of business and production processes, markets and innovation systems.

General profile description


Data Science

The MSE in Data Science conveys methods and tools for designing and utilising innovative data products. At INE, research groups are also active in the field of data science in their specialist areas of supply chain management, mobility, energy, smart city, risk analysis and technology assessment. For example, they carry out data collection and analysis (from surveys to energy consumption figures on a big data scale), data evaluation and visualisation as well as model/platform programming, app and tool development in the smart city/sustainability environment and work together with relevant practice and research partners.

General profile description


Energy and Environment

The MSE master’s degree in Energy and Environment deals with questions of classical and sustainable energy generation, storage and conversion as well as energy distribution and load management. At INE, these topics are addressed in practice-oriented research and development projects in both the electrical and thermal fields in the transformation of regional energy systems. You will also learn about sustainable prosumer concepts, smart solution approaches, sector coupling, demand side management, VR applications and acceptance studies.

General profile description



The central modules, divided into context modules (CM), extended theoretical basics (FTP) and technical-scientific specialization (TSM), can be found in the module browser. The INE also offers the following specialized supplementary courses (EVA), which allow you to deepen your knowledge in your specialization area:

Master theses

Below you will find a selection of Master theses completed at INE:


Industry partners for Master theses

Here you will find a selection of practice partners where you can write your Master's thesis.