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School of Engineering

Careers after bachelor's degree Mobility Science

Upon completion of your studies you will be qualified for challenging tasks. Mobility Science engineers are in high demand in the following sectors:

Specialisation Engineering

«That's why as a specialist, I'm in demand on the job market. I can help to actively design the future with my work and that gives me great satisfaction.»

Fabian Hasler, AGraduate Mobility Science, Engineer in the field of Environment and Transport, TBF + Partner AG

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Specialisation Transportation Management

Interesting interdisciplinary and special tasks also exist for graduates of both specialisations in marketing, consulting, lobbying, quality management, training and research. Open the Graduate profile

Career profiles

"We collect and analyze vast amounts of data, so I can really use the knowledge I gained in my studies in statistics in this area."

Stephanie Baumann, ZHAW graduate and facilities manager at SBB


“Whether rail or road transport, we must always be in a position to view the system as a whole. Those studying Mobility Science confront new ideas and concepts without losing sight of the overall situation.”

Jacqueline Keller, ZHAW graduate and service planner at Südostbahn

"Through the program, you are trained to become a generalist, which enables you to tackle challenges in day-to-day operations with a holistic approach. I learned the tools for this at ZHAW."

Gregor Frei, Mobility Science Graduate, CEO of SBB Deutschland GmbH
To the Graduate Portrait

Finding a job and salary expectations after graduating

Young engineers are in high demand on the Swiss job market. Two-thirds start their first job within three months of graduating. The median starting salary is CHF 87'750, depending on the industry and field of specialization. In 2024, the median annual salary for engineers working full-time (100%) amounts to CHF 123'500. (Source: Salaries for Engineers and Architects, 2024/2025)