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School of Engineering

Bachelor and Masterstudies

Undergraduate Studies

The main focus of the Institute for Mechatronic Systems is the Systems Engineering undergraduate  course (with a specialisation in Mechatronics and Biomedical Engineering).

Our lecturers also  teach in the following  degree programs:


Bachelor and MSE Specialisation Project Theses

In cooperation with our industry partners, we offer MSE project theses during the Fall Semester and bachelor theses during the Spring Semester. As the interface between industry and science, we  enable our interested partners to develop their ideas further and to implement new projects using the  vehicle of a project or bachelor thesis.

Master Studies

Together with the Institute for Signal Processing and Wireless Communications (ISC) the IMS has  set up a Master Research Unit (MRU) for the Master of Science in Engineering (MSE). Master Students of «Industrial Technology» can complete their main subjects at the IMS and write their Master Thesis at the end of their studies.

You can find more information about the Master of Science in Engineering (MSE) at the MSE-Website.