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School of Engineering

Smart City Guide - Main Page

Everyone wants to be smart, but getting smart is a challenge. The digitalization of administration, urbanization, climate change, population growth, the restructuring of infrastructure systems in the areas of energy, supply and mobility - all these factors require new approaches to urban development, different resources and a wide range of cooperation. Hopes are high, so are needs, but established concepts beyond the project level are rare. Especially in small and medium-sized cities. A ZHAW team commissioned by the SFOE SwissEnergy programme has compiled the experience of a number of pioneering cities such as Winterthur, Pully and Zug and their own research in a guide. The result is a blueprint for the development of Smart Cities from A-Z. In three phases, it shows how a Smart City can be initiated and promoted with projects, how a holistic strategy can be developed and how it can be established in the city on a long-term basis. For each phase, stages and projects are presented that are useful and necessary. For this purpose, the guideline shows methods that have proven themselves in the respective phases and which challenges can be expected or have to be considered. The topics dealt with range from the initiation of pilot projects, financing possibilities, ways to citizen participation, the reorganisation of administrative structures to public relations work. This conceptual assistance is supported by a compendium of examples and references.

This website contains various additional information that is intended to supplement the Smart City Guide. Among them are the following topics:

Below is a list of the contents.


The guide for the implementation of Smart City initiatives in Switzerland is currently available in the following languages: 

For questions about the guide, Smart Cities ect, please contact us via the following e-mail address: