Energy and Environment
In order to tackle climate change sustainably, the most advanced technologies are necessary – especially in the energy sector. The MSE Energy and Environment trains engineers to meet this and more challenges and more.
Professional career outline
With the MSE Energy and Environment, you occupy a variety of positions in industry, the public and service sector. You comprehensively evaluate questions of classic and sustainable energy generation, storage and conversion as well as their distribution and demand-side management. You take into account the efficient use of natural resources and the protection of the environment.
Profile contents
The MSE Energy and Environment includes the following topics:
- Power generation (Renewable energies, Classic energy technologies, Energy conversion, Energy storage and distribution, Demand-side management, Prosumer and peer-to-peer concepts)
- Design, operation, control and optimisation of physical, chemical and biomass-based processes
- Mechanical, thermal and chemical engineering
- Circular economy and energy recovery
- Sustainable treatment of air, water and waste
Institutes and centres
Applying for the MSE you chose an institute to study Energy and Environment. The institutes interpret the profiles individually.
Institute of Computational Physics (ICP)
Institute of Energy Systems and Fluid Engineering (IEFE)
Institute of Materials and Process Engineering (IMPE)
Professional skills
With your comprehensive, interdisciplinary knowledge in areas such as energy, environmental and process engineering qualifies you to provide a pragmatic decision-basis for questions of energy and environmental technologies and systems. Above all, you can systematically analyse, describe, model and simulate complex technical processes across disciplines. This enables you to develop efficient and resource-saving systems and processes and, in addition, to provide sophisticated services. Your profound proficiencies enables you to work in interdisciplinary teams, to lead larger projects and to take on management tasks in the fields of energy, process and environmental technology.
Recommended modules
Technical Scientific Specialisation (TSM):
- Advanced thermodynamics (TSM_AdvTherm)
- Computational fluid dynamics (TSM_CFD)
- Power electronics systems (TSM_PowElSys)
- Process integration and pinch analysis (TSM_ProcInt)
- Two-phase flows with heat and mass transport (TSM_TwoPhase)
- Environmental remediation technologies (TSM_EnReTe)
- Wastewater treatment (TSM_WWTreat)
- Power grids: systems and devices (TSM_PowGrid)
- Photovoltaic & storage (TSM_PhotoStor)
Fundamental Theoretical Principles (FTP):
- Optimization (FTP_Optimiz)
- Partial differential equations in engineering applications (FTP_PartDiff)
- Vectors and tensors in engineering physics (FTP_Tensors)
- Multiphyiscs modelling and simulation
Context Modules (CM):
- Management of complex processes (CM_ComplPro)
- Innovations- und Changemanagement (CM_InnChang)
- Sustainable Development
Differentiation to bachelor level
As graduates of the MSE Energy and Environment, your in-depth specialist knowledge enables you to conduct and lead applied research and development at the forefront of the respective domain. You acquire extensive expertise in the broad topic of energy and the environment. This expanded competence enables you to integrate multidisciplinary techniques into complex energy processes and systems. The Master's programme is also strongly oriented towards developing your skills in the field of environmental protection and the implementation of sustainable processes.
Additional information
Information events and application
Information events
Study Application
Registrations for the autumn semester (starting in September) are possible from the beginning of February until the end of April. For the spring semester of the next year (starting in February) from the beginning of August until the end of October.