Mechatronics and Automation
Mechatronic technologies and automation are needed in many industries. The demand for specialists is high. With the MSE in Mechatronics and Automation, you are well prepared for a career in industry.
Professional career outline
In the industry Mechatronics and Automation stands for designing autonomous systems using sensors, data processing and actuators. With the MSE you can do research as well as work in a variety of industries. These include the aerospace and automotive industry, microtechnology, manufacturing and food industries as well as automation and control engineering.
Profile contents
The MSE Mechatronics and Automation profile covers the following subject areas:
- Industrial systems
- Mechatronic devices
- Robotics
- Dynamic systems and control
Institutes and centres
Applying for the MSE you chose an institute to study Mechatronics and Automation. The institutes interpret the profiles individually.
Institute of Applied Mathematics and Physics (IAMP)
Institute of Energy Systems and Fluid Engineering (IEFE)
Institute of Mechatronic Systems (IMS)
Institute of Product Development and Production Technologies (IPP)
Professional skills
With the MSE Mechatronics and Automation, you have the expertise in the tools and methods needed to automate processes. You can model, analyse, design and implement mechatronics and automated systems. After completing your studies, you have profound knowledge in the fields of mechatronics and robotics as well as measurement and control technologies. You also have knowledge of areas such as signal processing, communication, data processing and data security.
Recommended modules
Technical Scientific Specialisation (TSM):
- Automatic Drive Systems (TSM_AutoSys)
- Integrated Automation (29 TSM_IntAuto)
- Model predictive control (TSM_PredContr)
- Advanced robotics (TSM_AdvRobot)
- Autonomous mobile robot systems (TSM_AutMobRoS)
Fundamental Theoretical Principles (FTP):
- Optimization (FTP_Optimiz)
- Ordinary differential equations and dynamical systems (FTP_OrdDiff)
- Digital image processing
- Multiphysics modelling and simulation
Context Modules (CM):
- Management of complex processes (CM_ComplPro)
- Innovations- und Changemanagement (CM_InnChang)
- Quality and risk management (CM_QRM)
Differentiation to bachelor level
In the MSE Mechatronics and Automation profile, you deepen your knowledge of the tools and methods available for process automation. This understanding makes it easier for you to use advanced tools and technologies that are not available to Bachelor students. In addition, you are trained in the use of a higher level of abstraction and you will implement cross-system concepts by working on real applied research projects.
Additional information
Information events and application
Information events
Study Application
Registrations for the autumn semester (starting in September) are possible from the beginning of February until the end of April. For the spring semester of the next year (starting in February) from the beginning of August until the end of October.