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School of Engineering

People at the CAI

CAI Administration

Director of Centre, CAI

Office Administration

Machine Perception and Cognition Group

Head of Research Group

Natural Language Processing Group

Head of Research Group

Intelligent Vision Systems Group

Head of Research Group

Explainable Artificial Intelligence Group

Head of Research Group

Industrial Artificial Intelligence Group

Head of Research Group

Responsible AI Innovation Group

Head of Research Group

Associated Faculty

(Information regarding Association)

Prof. Dr. Christoph von der Malsburg

Frankfurt Institute of Advanced Studies

Visiting professor for Neuroscience

Dr. Elena Gavagnin

ZHAW School of Management and Law

Associated faculty for Data Science

Dr. Joanna Weng

ZHAW School of Engineering

Associated faculty for AI in safety-critical systems

Prof. Dr. Rudolf Marcel Füchslin

ZHAW School of Engineering

Associated faculty for Complex System Science

Dr. Manuel Doemer

ZHAW School of Engineering

Associated faculty for Data Science

Prof. Dr. Christoph Heitz

ZHAW School of Engineering

Associated faculty for AI Ethics

Dr. Lukas Tuggener


Associated Researcher for AI