Generating electricity with photovoltaics is gaining importance. It already produces over one percent of the worldwide power demand. IEFE focuses its research, development and services in this field on applying photovoltaics and developing photovoltaic modules.
Core Area
- Yield analyses of various photovoltaic technologies
- Photovoltaic modules /developing innovative photovoltaics systems
- Developing machines and processes to manufacture photovoltaic modules
- Combining photovoltaics with capacitors, heat pumps, heat accumulators, electric vehicles
- Integration into the grid
Development and optimisation
- innovative photovoltaic systems or building elements
- for system solutions with photovoltaics, heat pumps and electric as well as thermal storage
- Developing innovative photovoltaic modules and mechanical and electric integration thereof in the system
- Building prototypes of innovative PV modules including using 3D print technology
Measurements of photovoltaic modules
- Measuring the rated power (including on site)
- Electroluminescence (including on site)
- Low light measurements
- Spectral response
- Climate tests according to IEC 61215 including with UV-lighting
- in the installation of photovoltaic systems
- for integrating photovoltaics in the existing mains
- photovoltaic systems
- Process development in the production of photovoltaic modules
- Process integration and ramp-up, domestic and international
- CoO analyses per SEMI E35
Photovoltaics project examples
- Portable LED Flasher
- PV carports
- Urban Plant
- other Projects available in german