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School of Engineering

Institute of Mechanical Systems (IMES)

«Whether light, resilient, highly dynamic, heat-resistant or collision-proof - with our expertise in engineering, analytical and experimental simulation, you develop products that meet high requirements».

Prof. Dr. -Ing. Robert Eberlein, Head of Institute


Structures, subjected to high mechanical stress, are the core of research and development activities at IMES. Starting from light and optimized assemblies in vehicle design or from the general machine industry, moving to muscles, tendons and bones of the human body, or even in the form of additively manufactured machine parts.

We work on applications of highly stressed structures in the following three fields:

What do we offer?

In addition to their expertise in the field, the senior lecturers at IMES have many years of industrial experience. This ensures the strong practical focus of our projects and enables us to tackle the tasks of our industrial partners competently and according to their specific needs.

From the applied research and development project (with or without state funding), to bachelor and master theses, to laboratory and calculation services, there are scalable forms of cooperation for all needs.

With our extensive network of specialists, we can make further expert knowledge available to you. Contact us, we are looking forward to your questions.

From research and development into teaching

Our domestic and international industry and university partners appreciate our experience and expertise in carrying out sophisticated research and development projects.

Thanks to our research and development activities, our students can work on current issues as part of their training. This is how we train future engineers in a practical manner.


Studies and further education

Bachelor degree

The IMES trains engineers in the following four bachelor programs:

You will be taught the basic engineering subjects of engineering mechanics (statics, kinematics and kinetics, mechanics of materials, linear vibrations, finite element method) and you may choose from two engineering majors supervised by IMES:

The BME-group is active in the supervision of Master students in Physiotherapy.

Our lecturers are involved in the «ZHAW runway startup incubator » as jury members and supervisors.


Master of Engineering

In the interdisciplinary Master of Science in Engineering (MSE), IMES forms, together with other institutes and centers of the ZHAW, the Master Research Unit (MRU) Mechanics and Materials.

Master students can deepen their research and development focus at IMES and have their master thesis supervised by IMES.

The IMES also participates in the central teaching of the interdisciplinary Master of Science in Engineering (MSE).

The IMES at a glance

Approx. 40 employees

3 research and development priorities

About 20 Bachelor and Master theses each year

Various laboratory facilities

  • SAS-accredited biomechanics test laboratory according to ISO 17025
  • 3D motion and muscle activity systems, force plates
  • several standard pulsators (up to 12 kN) and linear impactor
  • Computer tomograph
  • .... other laboratory facilities


Unfortunately, no list of projects can be displayed here at the moment. Until the list is available again, the project search on the ZHAW homepage can be used.