Business Engineering
From procurement to the finished product, from market analysis to service. With the MSE in Business Engineering, you are perfectly qualified for industry and the service sector.
Professional career outline
The MSE in Business Engineering prepares you for a professional career in industrial or service companies or in consulting. You can find functions in business development and business engineering as well as the management of quality, risk, technology and innovation. You also take responsibilities in the management of products and services or in the operation of systems.
Profile contents
The profile Business Engineering covers a variety of topics:
- Technology and innovation management
- Operations and production management
- Service engineering
- Business and production analysis
- Supply chain management
- Life cycle management
Details can be found in the profile description.
Institutes and centres
Applying for the MSE you chose an institute to study Business Engineering. The institutes interpret the profiles individually.
Institute of Data Analysis and Process Design (IDP)
Institute of Sustainable Development (INE)
Centre for Aviation (ZAV)
Institute of Product Development and Production Technologies (IPP)
Professional skills
The MSE in Business Engineering qualifies you to leverage engineering and design approaches to innovate, produce and provide products and services. You are able to develop business models and to plan, analyse and control the involved industrial and service systems. In doing so, you are able to consider the relevant technological and business constraints and opportunities and view them from a risk, quality, and lifecycle perspective.
Recommended modules
Technical Scientific Specialisation (TSM):
- International Logistics (TSM_Logistic)
- Service Operations and Management (TSM_OpMgmt)
- Product Innovation and Product Lifecycle Management (TSM_Product)
- Quantitative Methods in Industrial Operations Management (TSM_QInOpMgmt)
- Business Analytics (TSM_BusAn)
- Novel Innovation and Design Principles (TSM_InnoDes)
- Market Analysis and Forecasting (TSM_MarkFor)
- Servitization of Manufacturing (TSM_ServMan)
Fundamental Theoretical Principles (FTP):
- Lebenszyklus-Management von Infrastruktuen (FTP_Life)
- Modelling Simulation and Optimisation (FTP_ModSim)
- Optimization (FTP_Optimiz)
- Predictive Modelling (FTP_PredMod)
Context Modules (CM):
- Innovations- und Changemanagement (CM_InnChang, will be available in English)
- Smart Services
- Technology Management
Differentiation to bachelor level
Compared to a Bachelor’s degree, the MSE offers you additional expertise in applying scientific concepts, methods and tools. While the BSc programs tend to focus on the competencies required to work on an operational level, the MSE program also conveys competencies needed to work at a strategic level. In terms of contents, graduates will have enhanced competencies in quantitative methods, in managing and analysing data and in integrating technologies to innovative systems.
Additional information
Information events and application
Information events
Study Application
Registrations for the autumn semester (starting in September) are possible from the beginning of February until the end of April. For the spring semester of the next year (starting in February) from the beginning of August until the end of October.